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Some Pillars of the Nation Happiness


The happiness of the nation lies in the enlightenment of its minds, the elevation of its morals, the satisfaction with the systems governing it, the contentment with their application, and the peace of mind regarding their implementation. The nation should be assured that no foreign hand can extend to its rights.

The Enlightenment of the Nation's Minds

As for the enlightenment of its minds, it is achieved through the establishment of sufficient educational institutes; a nation composed of educated and uneducated people finds it difficult for its leaders - whenever they wish to guide it towards a righteous life - to find it pliant and swift in its steps.

The Importance of Correct Education

The correct education requires the adoption of the highest systems and the most prudent methods. Learning sciences through uncultivated methods is the reason for the stagnation in the scientific renaissance and the lack of organized methods of research and thinking.

The people cannot be envied for their scientific advancement until the youth are raised to seek knowledge for the purpose of uncovering truths and striving for the highest virtues. One of the obstacles preventing them from reaching the level of genius and innovation in sciences is their making the pursuit of knowledge a material goal; once they achieve it, they become complacent.

Education whose outcome is assured and whose fruit flourishes is that in which students are guided to the method of critiquing and scrutinizing opinions, so they do not accept any viewpoint unless its superiority is established by evidence. We have seen firsthand that a group of our youth has deviated from the path of righteousness; if they were among those who refer opinions to reasonable research laws, they would have remained steadfast on the guidance of God and would not have become infatuated.

The Elevation of Morals

As for the elevation of its morals, it is necessary for its actions to be upright and for transactions among them to be organized. Significant deeds depend on qualities such as patience, determination, generosity, and bravery. Profitable transactions can only endure in cohesion and purity when safeguarded by honesty, trustworthiness, forbearance, openness of heart, and gentleness of emotion. This aspect of happiness falls under the responsibility of those entrusted with education, such as mothers, fathers, and educators. It is not enough for mothers, fathers, and teachers to provide adequate care for a child or youth to emerge from their midst with a pure heart and upright behavior unless religious education is fundamentally ingrained in all our schools, whether primary or higher.

The Role of Religious Education

When religious education reaches the souls through the right path, it results only in modesty, chastity, honesty, trustworthiness, a scorn for major wrongs, and diligence for truths and interests, along with any other qualities you desire such as self-respect and high aspirations. These traits cannot take root and flourish unless they are shaded by guidance from both sides.

The Availability of Wealth and Public Works

As for the availability of wealth, it must be embodied in means of public works, making life easy for every individual in the nation. How far is the nation from the happiness of life when many among it depend on others for their sustenance and frequent cafés and clubs in the morning as they do in the evening!

It is the right of the nation that its rulers provide the means for public works and consider the development of industry, agriculture, and trade, expanding their scope. They should pay attention to these matters scientifically by opening schools to receive the specialized knowledge of these economic principles and practically by establishing factories, encouraging farmers, and devising the means for the circulation of national goods as much as they can. Through such efforts, idle hands will find opportunities for work, and the prices of our clothes, household goods, and all our life's needs will remain within the borders of our homeland.

The Role of Rulers and Well-off Citizens in Economic Development

The burden of the economic situation does not rest solely on the shoulders of those in authority; rather, the well-off have a significant share of this responsibility. It is within their means to establish companies that adhere to the principles of the righteous religion, which can yield abundant, blessed profits, allowing many people to make a living through such work.

Comparative Observations from Germany

I spent a considerable amount of time in the capital of Germany and in some of its cities and villages, and I never saw a healthy person begging. During that time, I only encountered a few beggars, consisting of a man who had lost a hand or a leg, or an elderly person who had reached such old age that their strength had waned. I did not see a healthy person begging because there are ample vital job opportunities available for those who wish to work. Education, which is compulsory there, leaves no room for healthy individuals to resort to begging.

Historical Compassion of Islamic Rulers

Many of the rulers of Islam used to look upon the community with compassion and would strive to alleviate the hardships of life as much as they could.

Al-Tahir ibn al-Hussein, in a letter he sent to his son Abdullah when Al-Ma'mun appointed him as the governor of Egypt and Al-Raqqa and the areas between them, stated: "Take care of those in need and their orphans, and provide them with stipends from the public treasury. Establish homes for sick Muslims to shelter them, along with caretakers who care for them, and doctors to treat their ailments, and fulfill their needs as long as it does not lead to wastefulness in the treasury."

Opening Avenues for Employment

Opening avenues for employment for the capable and establishing hospitals and shelters for the sick and disabled, is a means of rescuing the community from the dire straits that may lead some of its members to clubs or hospitals set up by those aiming to corrupt their religious beliefs or extinguish their national spirit.

The Appreciation of Civic Systems

As for the appreciation of civic systems, this is what compels the community to respect them genuinely, observing them in private as well as in public. Most disputes can be resolved by knowing the truth through consultation, while those in authority are responsible for setting and applying civic systems. The authorities—across different classes and ranks—are a segment of the community that oversees its general affairs; thus, the spirit of representation must be evident in them, and this spirit manifests only when they work to safeguard its interests. Consequently, there should be governance by systems deemed more appropriate in design and beneficial for the interests at hand. The Islamic community only bears witness to the wisdom of systems that meet the principles of its legislation, as long as nothing of its sanctity is violated.

The Implementation and Execution of Laws

As for the satisfaction with the state of implementation, the effectiveness of the systems is manifested through those entrusted with their implementation. What benefit does a just law provide if it is enforced by someone who has not been properly educated in its application? The application of laws to incidents depends on the qualities of the ruler, their level of knowledge, and understanding. Therefore, it is the right of the community that only those cultured in the art of implementation be allowed to govern in their disputes, ensuring that both the strong and weak stand equally before justice. This aligns with the virtue of justice mandated in God's words: "And when you judge between people to judge with justice" (Quran 4:58), and "And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the wrongdoers" (Quran 5:45).

As for the satisfaction with execution methods, it pertains to the executive authority, such as the police department. The people's right over these authorities is that they should be governed by compassion, feeling that they are part of a larger body.

I lived in some Eastern countries, where I observed a distance between the armed forces and other nationalists, with sparks flying at the slightest exchange between them. Then I traveled to a European capital and toured some cities and villages, where I saw kindness and harmony between the soldiers, police, and the rest of the populace. The observer could hardly distinguish between them except for the formal appearance or weapons that the former carried. I would see a driver argue with a policeman for a considerable time, their voices rising equally, ultimately leading to one convincing the other, after which they would part ways.

The Spread of Education and Security

We know that the spread of education among the people helps security forces and others to enforce public regulations with a word that alerts those who intend to violate them. However, the uneducated person needs to be looked upon with compassion and treated with some kindness, unless they breach the law defiantly.

Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan's Approach

Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan said: "I do not place my sword where my whip suffices, nor do I place my whip where my tongue suffices."

The Fair Implementation of Regulations

The application of regulations in reality and their fair implementation is a right of the nation over its rulers. If it depends on something requiring testimony from individuals of the nation—like witnessing in its proper form—it becomes a responsibility for those who can testify truthfully and conceal their testimony while knowing.

Security from Foreign Infringement

As for the nation's security from any foreign hand infringing on its rights, it should be reassured about its dignity and honor, feeling that those it bears will live freely like strong nations. It should not fear its adversaries' strength nor look to the future of its children with anything but hope, unless the relationship between them and their guardians is characterized by sincere advice on one side and good obedience on the other. Through sincere advice, educational institutions will elevate, becoming self-sufficient through the knowledge of their children, and will not need to draw defense and protection from a foreign land. With good obedience, the army will be disciplined, and financial strength will achieve its goals.

Sincerity and Obedience in Islam

Islam has placed significant emphasis on these two great qualities: the sincerity of the rulers towards the nation, and the obedience

Sincerity and Obedience in Islam

Islam has placed significant emphasis on these two great qualities: the sincerity of the rulers towards the nation, and the obedience of the nation towards its rulers. It has made it obligatory for rulers to establish their policies on the care of rights and interests. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "There is no servant whom Allah entrusts with a responsibility but does not surround it with sincere counsel, except that he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." Then he turned to the subjects and commanded them to obey well. One of the types of evidence for this is his saying: "Listening and obeying a Muslim is obligatory in what he loves and hates, as long as he is not commanded to disobey. If he is commanded to disobey, there is no listening or obeying."

The Role of Leadership in National Happiness

The truth is that the happiness of the nation is in the hands of its leaders. If they adhere to the right path and govern it with care and concern for its interests and dignity, it will run smoothly alongside them. It will soon succeed in its course and achieve its goals: "Those who have believed and were conscious of Allah, for them are good tidings in worldly life and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great success." (Surah Yunus: 63-64).


Source of the article: Book "Encyclopedia of the Complete Works of Imam Muhammad al-Khidr Hussein."

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