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Economic System in Islam (2) Equality of Opportunities Featured

By Abul A'la Maududi October 15, 2024 1471




 Allah Almighty has chosen to give different gifts and blessings to different people. This includes differences in appearance, voice, health, talents, and the environment in which they were raised. Likewise, people also have varying incomes, as Allah has created human nature to be diverse in this regard.

As for equality in Islam, it is in terms of opportunities for struggling to earn a living. Islam does not want to have obstacles in society - whether as a result of custom or law - that would hinder an individual in their struggle for a living to the extent of their efficiency and ability. Islam also does not want to establish differences that would turn inherited wealth into privileges or monopolies protected by laws. Both of these ways, establishing obstacles and establishing differences, work - arbitrarily - to create an artificial distinction between people that replaces their natural differences. Therefore, Islam aims to completely eliminate them and puts the economic system of society on a natural and uncomplicated basis, where opportunities for struggle are accessible to everyone. This system is as close as possible to nature - where competition in the economic field takes place - when it aligns with the circumstances of each individual and their role in life so that each is facilitated according to what they were created for. The one who inherited a car should work hard equipped with their own car, while the one who was not given anything should strive on their own feet. And the incapable should also not lag in working to the best of their abilities. The laws of society should not impose a permanent monopoly on the car owner over their car or make it impossible for the incapable to obtain such a car. Instead, the laws should allow the incapable to obtain the car according to their efficiency and ability, while the car owner may fall behind if lacking in efficiency and capability.

Islam does not seek only the establishment of economic competition in social life based on equal opportunities and impartiality, but it also wants the competitors not to be unjust or conflicting, but rather to be compassionate and cooperative.

Therefore, we see on one hand that Islam aims, through its ethical commandments, to create a mentality among people that they can rely on to strengthen their weak bonds that are torn apart by desires.

On the other hand, Islam demands the establishment of a permanent and obligatory system in any society, which ensures assistance and support for the incapacitated who lack the necessary means to access essential resources. Those who cannot participate in economic competition must receive their share of societal care. Similarly, those in need of assistance to enable them to work and engage in economic production must receive their due through this system.

For this reason, Islam mandates that Zakat be paid at a rate of 2.5% annually on accumulated wealth in the country and on capital circulating in trade alike. Additionally, a portion of 5% or 10% of agricultural production from all lands, as well as 20% of production from certain mines, must be collected. This annual tax is also imposed at a specific rate on livestock owned by individuals if it exceeds a set minimum threshold that qualifies for exemption. The proceeds from this tax must all be spent to help the poor, orphans, and needy. In this way, Zakat is a method to achieve social security, where no one in an Islamic society can live without the necessities of life, and a worker under the pressure of hunger cannot be forced to comply with the working conditions imposed by the factory owner or landowner. Individuals will not be vulnerable to the collapse of their abilities below the minimum level that enables them to contribute in the economic struggle.

Islam aims to establish a balance between the conflicting interests of the individual and the community to elevate the individual's self and personal freedom, while at the same time ensuring that this freedom does not harm the interests of the community. Islam does not support a political or economic system that aims to dissolve the individual into the collective and strip them of the necessary freedom for personal growth on a sound basis. The inevitable result of nationalizing all means of production in a country is the crippling of the community as a whole, making it difficult for individuals to continue their existence and advance to a large extent.

Economic freedom is just as essential for the individual as political and social freedom, if not more so. If we do not intend to completely eradicate the individual's sense of identity and humanity, then we must allow them sufficient space in our social lives to exercise their freedom in earning a living, thus establishing their freedom of conscience and allowing them to develop their natural and intellectual talents, according to their own inclinations.

Islam is not satisfied with such a system, and it also does not approve of a social system that gives individuals absolute economic and social freedom to pursue their interests at the expense of the community as a whole. Islam chooses a middle path between excess and negligence, calling on the individual to first accept certain restrictions and obligations for the sake of the community's interests, and then allowing them to manage their own affairs freely. There is no need to go into detail about all these commitments and boundaries, as it is enough to present them in general terms. - To be continued