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Reflecting on Benefits of Hajj Featured

By Sheikh Abdullah bin Jibreen June 10, 2024 648

It is appropriate for us to mention some of the benefits of this Hajj, and the benefits of these rituals which Muslims perform to draw nearer to Allah, which our Prophet peace be upon him explained during the Farewell Hajj, saying: 'Learn your rituals from me.'

Undoubtedly, this Hajj, which consists of Ihram, Tawaf, Sa'i, and associated acts, involves physical, verbal, and financial actions.

These acts and similar ones were legislated only for the worship of Allah, to increase knowledge of Him, and also for immense benefits beyond count and measure. For this reason, scholars have mentioned its benefits and cited the verse of the Quran: “And proclaim to the people the Hajj; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass - That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals (27) That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals.” (Surah Al-Hajj, 22:27-28).

Scholars have researched these benefits and said: There must be multiple benefits.

Undoubtedly, the greatest benefit is that the servant draws closer to Allah through this nearness and through this rite, seeking reward and seeking from Him to multiply his reward for the hardship, fatigue, and effort he endures, and that is a great benefit; as it entails immense reward.

The scholars have enumerated several benefits of Hajj: physical, financial, cultural, social, and scientific. All of these benefits must come together in these rituals, and those who are truly knowledgeable and affected must feel them.

Due to the importance of knowing the benefits of Hajj and the wisdom behind it, we would like to mention some of these benefits, hoping that Allah will grant benefit through them.

We ask Allah to write them in the balance of our deeds, as He is the Hearer, the Responsive. We also ask Him, the Exalted, to increase us in knowledge of Him and in knowledge of the rulings of worshiping Him. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. And peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Firstly: The Benefits of Travel:

The Muslim who undertakes the hardship and travels from a distant place, perhaps for three months, or maybe half a year, or even a whole year away from his family, all of this for the sake of performing Hajj!

What drives him to do so?

It is likely that the bearer of this journey feels the right of Allah upon him and feels that his Lord loves this act - this endeavour - and this travel. Undoubtedly, there is a sincere intention that pushes the servant to endure difficulties, to bear hardships, and to face challenges with patience.

They face challenges and expend their time and money to overcome those obstacles, so that they may achieve their goal.

Undoubtedly, when a person travels for a month, half a month, a day, or several days, they undoubtedly encounter these difficulties and challenges. Indeed, these experiences train and prepare them to endure the difficulties and hardships they may encounter in their lives. This is one of the benefits, it is training the soul to endure these difficulties and hardships such as climbing, descending, riding, walking, sitting, sleeping, and the like.

Likewise, you undoubtedly pass through lands you have never heard of or seen before; you take a lesson from them, observing these countries and remembering that so-and-so and so-and-so passed through them before you, and that it was the country of such-and-such scholar or prince, or the like, thus increasing your knowledge.

Similarly, you train yourself to endure hunger and exertion that you may encounter at times, thus increasing your patience and resilience.

All of this, undoubtedly, is among the effects of patience and endurance of the hardships and difficulties caused by this journey of Hajj.

One of the benefits of traveling is the companionship of righteous individuals with whom you gather in a large or small car, on a ship, in a room, in a tent, or the like.

Undoubtedly, the Muslim gains many benefits from this companionship, including friendship, knowledge, and increased information, all of which are benefits that Allah has informed us about in Hajj.

Secondly: The Benefits of Ihram:

When a Muslim approaches the designated times around the Haram as specified by the Prophet peace be upon him, he knows that he is nearing the place that Allah has commanded to face in His saying: "And proclaim to the people the Hajj; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass." (Surah Al-Hajj, 22:27). So, when he arrives and nears these sacred places, he prepares for it. The first action he undertakes is to strip himself of his usual clothing and don special garments.

What is the benefit of this attire resembling that of the deceased?!

Among these benefits is that it reminds him of the transition from the worldly life! And that he thus exits from it. He addresses himself saying: Now I have taken off my adornments and shed my garments, all that I used to beautify myself with, and I have donned a cloak thrown over my back, and a waist-wrapper to cover my private parts. This reminds me of the Hereafter, and reminds me of the next abode, and reminds me of the transition from the world.

Another benefit is the uniformity of all pilgrims in this attire, with no distinction between their wealth or poverty! Nor between their black, red, or white colours! Nor between their young or old! All men are on the same footing! Undoubtedly, this signifies that all people are equal in the sight of Allah, meaning they are equal in truth, and equal in servitude.

At that moment, the wealthy feels equal to others, no distinction between him and the poor. This encourages him to empathize with them, to treat them well, to console them, and to know that he and they are brothers, equal in the sight of Allah and in the duty of worship.

This also encourages humility before Allah and prevents arrogance, as he knows that all Muslims are equal in this state, dissolving any animosity between them.

Thirdly: The Benefits of Talbiyah:

The first thing a pilgrim does - before forming the intention - is to resolve to enter into the ritual he desires. Once resolved, he forms the intention and raises his voice with the Talbiyah.

What is the benefit of this Talbiyah? And why was it legislated at the start of Umrah or Hajj and made a slogan for the pilgrims?

Undoubtedly, this Talbiyah holds great benefit; it is a response to the call of Allah Almighty through the tongue of Ibrahim peace be upon him when his Lord commanded him with this call, saying: "And proclaim to the people the Hajj." (Surah Al-Hajj, 22:27). He ascended Mount Abu Qubais and said: "O people, indeed Allah has ordained Hajj upon you, so perform Hajj." This call was heard by those who were in the loins of men and those who were in the wombs of women, so they came saying: "Labbayk, Labbayk," meaning: "We respond to Your call, we come to Your request." Undoubtedly, it is a response to the call of Allah Almighty.

This call, which Allah Almighty commanded, to which we respond with Talbiyah, must have an impact. And this impact is that we commit to responding in all situations, not just in this instance, because the one responding is as if making a covenant with his Lord to adhere to obedience repeatedly and not to deviate from it. When he says "Labbayk," it means: "I respond to Your call, I am committed to Your request, I am committed to Your obedience, I respond to You time after time, I do not neglect Your worship, I do not neglect Your obedience."

Thus, it is mentioned that this is the benefit of the Talbiyah, meaning that the one making Talbiyah is as if obligating himself, as if saying: "I am committed to Your obedience, O Lord, always." And if that is the case, it is not permissible for him to deviate from this obedience or to leave it for disobedience, for he made a covenant with his Lord with Talbiyah, and he responded to his Lord with Talbiyah, in which there is commitment. So it is not permissible for him to deviate from it thereafter, leaving obedience and substituting it with disobedience, as he would have lied in his saying: "Labbayk," and not upheld what he committed to.


From the book "The Hajj: Its Benefits and Effects."

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