The greatest concern of colonialism was to create in every country it entered a new generation that would shed its civilization, accept foreign presence, and renounce its authentic heritage, which was solely rooted in Islam.
The colonial agenda was to mold the children of the Muslim East into an obedient generation, softening them like dough in the hands of a baker, following its path, obeying its commands, and pledging allegiance to it. As one Egyptian minister once said about the relationship between Egypt and Britain: It's a Catholic marriage contract with no divorce!
Colonialism aimed to engineer an Eastern generation in appearance and blood yet Western in taste and thought, bearing Arabic-Islamic names on their birth certificates or passports while harboring purely European or American minds! The ultimate goal was for the colonialists to fade into the background, delegating their role to “patriotic” or “nationalistic” faces who would carry out the same mission of destruction without wielding a visible axe or firing a single bullet. This, in truth, was the most dangerous legacy left by colonialism in our lands.
Colonialism was seeking to undermine the spiritual, moral, and intellectual essence of the nation through Arabs, particularly Muslims. As one of the missionaries said, “Nothing cuts down the tree except its own offspring.” Thus, colonialism succeeded in achieving its objectives.
Indeed, it succeeded through its self-made slaves, crafted by their own hands, from among the writers, directors of private thought, and shapers of public opinion.
Islamic lands witnessed this “hybrid” breed of their own children, whom the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described fourteen centuries ago as “callers at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to them, they throw them into it.” When asked to describe them, he (peace be upon him) said, “They will be from our people, speaking our language.”
This is indeed the catastrophe—those who seek to strip the Ummah of its religion, yet they are not English, French, Russian, or American; rather, they are “from our people, speaking our language!”
These alien so-called nationalists from our own are, in reality, more dangerous than their masters, teachers, and makers among the blatant colonizers.
Colonialism, with all its immense power and capabilities, when wielded by those missionaries, orientalists, and the likes of them, poses a lesser threat than these slaves who adorn themselves disguised as “free” rebellions; these are foreigners, estranged from their own people, who appear as patriotic, jealous nationalists.
What emanates from colonialism through its heralds and orientalists remains relatively insignificant and weak in impact unless these slaves falsely present it as national merchandise, claiming to be its owners and makers, when in reality, they are mere “pawns” of this foreign merchandise.
Our people inherently retreat from anything originating from their religious and national enemies when they recognize it, for they have learned from their religion, history, and experiences that it holds no good for them, nor does it wish them strength or dignity: “Neither those who disbelieve from the People of the Scripture nor the polytheists wish that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord.” (Al-Baqarah: 105)
Yet our people are deceived by the foreign ideology emanating from their enemies, accepting it when it comes from their own people, whom they trusted. They embrace this imported ideology once it discards its Western mask, embraces Eastern clothing, and speaks in the Arabic tongue.
This is all colonialism has desired and strived for since it occupied the lands of Islam: to depart and leave behind those who embrace its ideology, adopt its traditions, and inherit its civilization from the natives themselves. Indeed, it is now delighted and content with the outcome of its endeavors over the years, pleased with its disciples who have been entirely transformed into a Westernized copy, now wrapped in an Arab-Eastern cover.
Colonialism, in its old and new forms, with its heralds and orientalists, with both its capitalist and socialist aspects, no longer needs to translate its books into our Islamic East after “transforming” this group into this “modern,” “liberated,” “progressive” faction!
Yes, colonialism has slept soundly, with both eyes shut, after “transforming” these individuals, leaving them to lead the caravan of education, culture, literature, and art along the path it has laid out toward the goal it desires. And why shouldn't it sleep soundly? After all, these “elites” have become the writers, scholars, doctors, and educators, with tongues that speak as it wishes, pens that depict what it likes, and hands that execute its desires and whims!
What further increased the danger of these slaves is that colonialism, with its financial and literary resources, its covert and overt means, and its massive propaganda machinery, managed to elevate them to positions of prominence and authority. It opened doors for them, paved their way, and removed obstacles from their path until they emerged, prevailed, and seized control in the lands of Islam, especially in the realms of culture, thought, guidance, and influence across all fields of knowledge, literature, and the arts.
Colonialism, with its power and influence, crafted a grandiose propaganda campaign that surrounded them with an aura of reverence and admiration, inflating their egos in the eyes of viewers. It adorned them with labels of liberation, renewal, leadership, and innovation, deceiving many who marveled at the seemingly miraculous talking puppets, oblivious to the hidden strings or batteries that moved them!
Indeed, the meticulously planned and relentless propaganda found its way into the hearts of many sincere and kind-hearted individuals in our good-natured communities. They believed what was spread and echoed what was said about the brilliance of these so-called reformers and liberators! They believed that under these appearances, beneficial figures sought their wisdom and blessings—blessings of knowledge, literature, art, and high culture!
The truth is, if you delve into their depths and explore what they possess, you will find neither authenticity nor innovation, nor anything of true value worthy of all this fuss, exaggeration, and reverence. Rather, they are illusions and whims that turn deaf stones into gods worshipped other than Allah, offering them vows and sacrifices... In the same manner, “intellectual idols” were crafted in our lands, protected by hired preachers.
When our Ummah reclaims its identity, liberates itself from the remnants of intellectual and social colonization, and rewrites the history of thought, those who were elevated to the top will crumble to the depths. You will see men, once considered great, now reclaim their true nature as insignificant. The people will see them for what they truly are: mere instruments in the hands of missionaries and orientalists, or, in other words, in the hands of colonialism. Those who claimed—or were claimed to be—reformers were nothing but imitators of Western colonizers, following in their footsteps, and their novelty was nothing but old Europe... And the nation will see that those so-called free thinkers were nothing but obedient slaves to Western civilization, bowing at their feet and prostrating in reverence to all their values, ideas, concepts, and traditions without scrutiny or discrimination, whether good or bad, sweet or bitter, praised or criticized. The freedom of thought they once claimed was nothing but mere mutiny against their religion and heritage, rejecting and disdaining everything their civilization stood for or their nation cherished.
Taken from the book: “The Enemies of the Islamic Solution.”