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Palestine... Depicting the Tragedy Featured

By Al-Basheer Al-Ibrahimi March 18, 2024 3244

O Palestine! In the heart of every Algerian Muslim lies bloody wounds from your cause, and from the eyes of every Algerian Muslim, tears flow for your plight. On the lips of every Algerian Muslim, there echoes a word relentlessly: The neck of every Algerian Muslim, O Palestine, holds an obligatory right, a definite responsibility. If one neglects your side or forfeits some of your rights, it is none of their fault, but the fault of colonialism that raises barriers between one and their brother, between one and their home, between the Muslim and their qiblah.

O Palestine! If the love of homelands arises from the essence of air and soil, and the ambitions pursued by the youth, then indeed, a Muslim's affection for you precedes all else. In you lies the first of the two Qiblahs, in you resides the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, surrounded by Allah's grace. You mark the end of terrestrial endeavours and the beginning of celestial aspirations, in that journey that ascends from Earth to Heaven, following Adam's descent from Heaven to Earth. Towards you converge the aspirations of conquerors, and the keenness of the triumphant, bearing guidance and peace, the precepts of Islam. Transporting the general prophecy to the land of specific prophecies, the fruits of the new revelation to the roots of the old. And unveiling the truth that stood firm at Tabuk under the leadership of Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Then it stood at Mu'tah under the command of Zaid ibn Harithah. The two expeditions were waves of Islam's influence upon you. The third was a return. The result was Islam purifying you from the contamination of the Romans, as it purged the outskirts of the Peninsula before you from the defilement of idols.

Your fortress sheltered the Babylonian horses, it traversed through the lands, captivating the children of the land, neither you nor they were victorious, were it not for the likewise oppressed conquerors. Indeed, oppression is more shameful than bondage. Then the Romans invaded you, and your children were humiliated, and they sought vengeance from them, drawing bloodshed and revenge, so they claimed, due to the shame of the Crucifixion. You were not unjust, O Palestine, but your children endured the trials. You would not have escaped the Romans were it not for God's intervention for you against your enemies with Islam and the Arabs, they supported you, purified you, and filled the Ibrahimic womb with its first offspring. They fulfilled the rights of kinship and neighbourliness, and you became from that time a steadfast kingdom for Islam, a deserved inheritance from Moses to Muhammad, from the Torah to the Quran, from Isaac to Ishmael.

O Palestine! Your sovereignty in Islam was wielded by the sword, yet it neither prevailed over you nor over your people through deceit. So, what is the matter with this Zionist faction today! They deny the truth, ignore reality, reject gratitude, and deny blessings. They rival for the rightful inheritance of the Arab heir from your resources, then they exaggerate, claiming that they have no share from that wealth.

What is the matter with this faction! They claim what is not rightfully theirs, folding dozens of centuries to reach, with their foolishness, a promise akin to "Balfour's promise" made by Moses, despite the countless differences and shifts in events, and the interactions and repulsions of conquerors.

What is the matter with them! claiming an inheritance that their ancestors did not fend off from the Babylonian invasion, nor from the Roman invasion, nor from the Crusaders' hostility. Indeed, inheritance is deserved by those who defended it and guarded it, and Babylon was only repelled by the retreat of its wave after it reached its peak. The Romans were repelled only by Omar, the Arabs, and the heroes of Yarmouk and Ajnadayn. The Crusaders and their hosts were repelled only by Salah Aldin and the knights of "Hattin".

Indeed, Arabs in particular, and Muslims in general, liberated Palestine twice in history, repelled invading raids from it multiple times, and governed it consistently for thirteen centuries. The children of Israel lived in it under the banner of Islam and under its protection, feeling secure about their lives, bodies, honor, wealth, and religion. It is inconceivable for a Muslim who believes in Moses to betray the people of Moses.

How similar are the Zionists to their predecessors in precaution for life! They did not accept the promise of God, as they said: 'O Moses, indeed within it is a people of tyrants, and indeed, we will never enter it until they leave it.' And these did not trust the promise of Balfour until Britain ensured for them to be under its protection, amidst its defenses and laws. With all that, they managed to enter as immigrants and become lords and masters. Set aside the discoure of terror, for it is naught but an illusion.

If English swords were sheathed and Zionist gold returned to its place, and if the issue were presented to a council of justice and reason untouched by the allure of gold or the threat of swords, the law would say: Thirteen centuries suffice for rightful ownership, and religion would say: Those most deserving of the prophets' graves are those who believe in all the prophets, and history would say: Arabs did not wrest Palestine from the Jews, nor did they dismantle an existing state for them, nor did they offer them a lofty throne. Rather, they seized it from the Romans, making them most deserving of it among all humans.

Indeed, Zionism, in its apparent and hidden aspects, is a system based on the rabbi, the banker, and the merchant, armed with the Torah, the bank, and the factory. Its aim is to gather a faction destined to live unrestrained and without inhibition, to live without a homeland - yet all homelands belong to it. Thus, Zionism came attempting to gather them in a homeland called Palestine in name, but interprets in deed as the entire Arabian Peninsula. In truth, it is a new form of colonization in its methods, motives, arguments, and goals, resembling known colonization in some aspects but differing in others. Among these differences is that Zionism relies primarily on gold, using it to purchase consciences, land, and weapons, to buy silence and speech, and to purchase governments and peoples. It depends on cunning, deceit, and subterfuge when needed, as well as on bullying and terrorism when the opportunity arises.

Palestine is an Arab land because it is a part of the Arabian Peninsula, and a longstanding homeland for generations of Arabs. Arabs settled there more than Jews did, and Islam prevailed there more than Judaism did. The Quran had more influence there than the Torah, and Arabic prevailed more than Hebrew. Illegitimate is the English Mandate, serving neither Arab nor Jewish interests. Nationalism is nothing but a fantasy born of religious dreams and material ambitions. Mere platforms that neither silence nor soothe are the United Nations, the Security Council, and investigation committees. Migration only fuels conflict and ignites flames. For those who find the world confining, Palestine cannot contain them. And for those on the fringes of society, Palestine offers no refuge. The plight of displaced Jews is a shared obligation in the issue, yet how many more Arabs are displaced within Islamic nations! How many more among the Arab populace! If mercy towards the displaced is our guide, then Arabs, that no sea separates them from Palestine, and whose migration to is under the legitimate or divine mask as it is for Jews, are the most deserving. The abuse of religious doctrine is worse than the manipulation of law, as perpetrated by certain jurists, and the misinterpretation of Jewish migration by colonialist jurists.

Does the doubter think that Algeria, with its deep roots in Islam and Arabism, would forget Palestine or place it in a position other than what Islam itself has designated for it? By Allah, no! It is an honor of Islam, a glory of Arabism, and a bond of kinship. However, the colonialist, which has entangled the knot for its own benefit, refuses to untie it, and trades Palestine for its own interests, is the one that drives a wedge between parts of Islam so they do not unite. It severs the bonds of Arabism so they do not merge. But this is futile.

Among the colonial powers, there are intricate relationships, and they will remain distant as long as the East, its people, Islam, and nations are blinded by false imagination. But once it fades, blood will flow, kinship will be activated with long forgotten grudges. Shouldn't we act as so?

O Arabs! The issue of Palestine is a trial by which Allah tests your consciences, ambitions, wealth, and unity. Palestine does not belong solely to the Palestinians; it belongs to all Arabs. Arab rights in it are not obtained by mere claim but through determination, unity, and strength, not by complacency or weakness, nor by rhetoric.

 Zionism and its supporters are determined, so meet their determination with an even stronger resolve and their unity with a more united front.

Be a wall with no cracks,

 A description untouched by the lazybacks.


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