Ethics in the Age of Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities



Talking about globalization is a matter of great importance, as its impacts have exceeded the boundaries for which the idea was originally conceived. Its influence has not been limited to the world of economics and the spread of capitalist thought, especially after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.

Information Revolution

Dr. Ahmed Yasser Abdel Azim states: "Although the phenomenon of globalization is ancient, its growth and development have been closely linked to the evolution of the capitalist model, starting from the dawn of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution in Europe from the late sixteenth century to the eighteenth century, and the attempt of European countries to internationalize their civilizational model, imposing the values of Western civilization in what is known as ‘cultural invasion.’ This progresses to the tremendous technological advancements in information and communication technology, the ‘information revolution’ witnessed by the world, and the spread of giant multinational corporations and major economic organizations over the past four decades. Through this, the United States sought to lead the international economic and trade system."

Major Changes

Globalization has brought about major changes in all aspects of life, as it has exaggeratedly influenced the economic direction of the world in recent eras and has also impacted the collective morals and values to the point that some cultures almost melted away within Western culture, especially American culture, leading to a singular culture that, through its advanced means, has been able to dominate and control all other cultures. This poses significant challenges for nations, especially Islamic ones—not merely to escape the reality of globalization, which has become a fact as its means are strongly present in our societies—but rather to control the minds of youth and guide their historical and ideological compass.

The Most Prominent Ethical Challenges in the Age of Globalization

A set of formidable challenges faces those working in education and those concerned with the future of the nation, some of which are related to ethics and culture. These challenges include:

  1. Globalization has increased the economic gap between social classes, as the capitalist system sanctifies money, justifying its acquisition by any means, ignoring any ethical considerations to improve people's lives, and denying social solidarity and compassion for the poor.
  2. The intertwining of Islamic ethics with market ethics in trade, such as exploiting workers and reducing their wages to cut costs.
  3. Challenges related to cultural identity, as cultural pluralism has become the main characteristic of the youth of the nation, leaving no fixed reference or clear identity.
  4. Challenges of political practice according to Islamic ethics, where global interests, including those of Islamic countries, have intertwined, leading political dealings to be based on interests, rather than ethics and honesty.
  5. The enormous negative impact left by globalization on material culture, such as with clothing styles, for example, and what is called fashion among girls and women without considering the original societal culture as dictated by Islamic rulings on women's attire.
  6. The significant impact on the Arabic language among youth who have replaced Arabic with other languages in their private meetings, causing parents to worry about enrolling their children in language schools as a show of sophistication.

Is globalization an unavoidable reality?

Most thinkers agree that there is no escape from the control of globalization, considering that the means it employs to spread its ideas cannot be eradicated from the Islamic world. For instance, we cannot take away mobile phones from our children, nor can we impose a complete closure on local and global media to isolate youth from the outside world. Consequently, globalization is an idea that cannot be resisted, and we must find suitable alternatives to mitigate its effects on young people.

The Population Conference as a Product of Globalization

The United Nations Population Conference held in Cairo in the 1990s posed a significant moral challenge, as it amazed Arabs with its provisions regarding individual freedoms and catering to personal desires. The individual is fundamental to the cultural capitalist concept as we know it, and the primary goal of the conference was to fulfill individual desires, regardless of family, society, religion, or ethics. This allowed, and even protected, concepts of deviance and rebranded them with different names to lessen the impact of the terminology on conservative individuals.

"Partners" instead of "Spouses"

The document also protected sexual freedom and abortion, and it adopted the term "partners" instead of "spouses" as a form of recognition of the relationship between men and women within a legal framework, trying to normalize it among people without a derogatory perspective toward those who engage in such relationships. Furthermore, the document permits sexual activity among teenagers and advocates for delaying marriage as an accepted method to reduce childbirth.

The population document is a miniature model of the ethics of globalization, and it raises concerns about what could happen if unleashed in its entirety in Muslim countries. American Western ideals attempt to impose their version globally, especially in the Islamic world, with the youth at its heart.

Facing the Challenges of Moral Globalization in Our Countries

  1. Family: The family is the last line of defense for protecting and raising youth to face all these challenges. Therefore, it is essential to prepare parents first to bear and fulfill this responsibility.
  2. Scholars, educators, and preachers should master the use of the same material means of globalization, such as social media and media outlets, to disseminate Islamic culture, directing these ethics toward others to represent a type of cultural exchange that spreads ideas while preserving societal constants.
  3. The importance of restoring the role of teachers in schools and universities should be emphasized, giving more importance to teaching religious subjects and the Quran, especially by returning to traditional education systems.

Globalization presents significant challenges to humanity, but it also provides enormous opportunities for progress, prosperity, and the dissemination of ideas, creating the chance for each individual to choose through dialogue and cooperation. We can build a more just and equitable world when there is respectful dialogue, rather than the imposition of dominance by one party.