The concept of "collective consciousness" refers to the shared beliefs, ideas, and attitudes within a particular community that influence their collective behavior. It represents a form of interconnectedness among individuals and can shape an identity that relies on the cultural and social heritage of customs, traditions, rules, and laws, through interactions and verbal communications, or via traditional and modern media. "Collective consciousness" can positively or negatively affect collective actions, keeping pace with the developments of time, societal transformations, and the demands of political and economic conditions.
Islam Elevates Its Importance
Islam emphasizes the significance of "collective consciousness," advocating for a methodical approach to thinking and liberating the mind from any constraints or influences that might entangle its followers in a herd mentality. The Holy Quran criticizes those who have taken this path, as God Almighty says: “And when it is said to them, 'Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,' you see the hypocrites turning away in aversion. And what is [the matter] with them that they do not attribute to Allah their due estimate while He has encompassed them?” (Al-Maidah: 104)."
In this sense, it is the secret to the survival of our nation and its stable balance, away from the "psychology of the masses," which seems impulsive during periods of transformation, following those who skillfully manipulate emotions, consequently leading to destructive disturbances that harm the country and its people. God Almighty says: “And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.” (Al-Baqarah: 143).
The "collective consciousness" in Islam is based on the doctrine of monotheism and its associated laws and rituals, as well as the values and ideas that promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation within the community or nation.
Westernization Strategies
Our nation continues to pay a heavy price every day due to its lack of awareness regarding its central issues. In the recent past, it fell under the grip of foreign colonizers who destroyed the foundations of awakening within it and implemented westernization strategies, which they have largely succeeded in executing. This led to a state of ignorance or oblivion, creating a false collective mentality that is distant from the nation's ideas, values, and beliefs. Moreover, it domesticated the community in the face of outsiders and weakened the spirit of resistance and liberation within it.
Unfortunately, the nation still suffers from these policies, which ignore significant issues while spotlighting trivial matters, spreading misinformation, distorting facts, or fabricating issues that divide society, distract its attention, and reinforce discord and division.
Just as "collective consciousness" requires mechanisms for its implementation, such as communication and education institutions, it also requires those who carry it out—the producers of human intellect—to be aware and vigilant. Before that, they must possess righteousness and guidance in themselves to please God and His Messenger (peace be upon him), and maintain their conduct on this path, ensuring they do not lose their directional compass and fail in fulfilling the mission they have undertaken. God Almighty says: “And We made them leaders guiding by Our command, and We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, the establishment of prayer, and the giving of zakah, and they were worshippers of Us” (Al-Anbiya: 73).
In addition to vigilance and righteousness in the person carrying out the mission of "collective consciousness," it is essential for "collective consciousness" to be active and diligent, not deterred by distractions from performing its duty, present in its position, steadfast at its post, well-attuned to the realities of the situation, aware of everything that threatens the nation and disturbs its peace, mindful of the feelings, desires, and experiences of others, kind and cooperative with everyone, emotionally disciplined, culturally aware, and quick-witted. If it does not act, then one who lacks something cannot give it, and the fruit is proportional to the effort. This is a primary field of struggle where we are commanded to fill its gaps and correct its mistakes; “You are the best nation brought forth for humankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah” (Al-Imran: 110).
A Tool of Resistance
"Collective consciousness" protects individuals from the consequences of ignorance and marginalization, assists in the protection and development of society, corrects the nation's paths, and regulates the behavior of its members, enhancing their sense of belonging and rescuing them from the delusions they are trapped in. "Collective consciousness" resists those common patterns characterized by empty-mindedness, lack of knowledge, love of entertainment, worship of pleasures, immersion in worldly matters, and turning away from the hereafter, unaware of the consequences of such a tumultuous life, and what the coming days will bring while they remain in this state of superficiality and belief in illusions, myths, and conformity to the herd.
If societies were to remain in their current state of shutting down the mind, distorting facts, lacking good role models, and obscuring every attempt at change, they would divert their compass from their desired goal and intended aspirations, leading them astray and continuing in their coma and ignorance, remaining stagnant. In such a case, capabilities would regress while waste increases, ignorance would spread, and deceit would prevail. At that time, do not ask about success or civilizational progress; rather, it would be failure followed by failure, a decline succeeded by another, until nations converge upon us like hungry people descending upon their dish.
Social Media and Collective Consciousness
It is impossible to discuss "collective consciousness" without addressing the role of modern social media in shaping public awareness and confronting all forms of ignorance and marginalization. This, however, requires high levels of skills and electronic awareness to increase interaction and communication without harming the course of wise consciousness, which is often met with temptations and targeted attacks on the vast web filled with those who dedicate strategies to nurture and sustain this inherited state of ignorance and deception.
Therefore, our duty when dealing with these media is to build public awareness and innovate content that matches this limitless realm of knowledge and ideas. The more our message is civilized, grounded in logic, and demonstrates respect for others, the more we can present a model capable of saving the sinful, guiding the lost, alerting the heedless, awakening the indifferent, and breaking the monopolistic media barriers that have wielded control over people, leading them to destruction.