Since 1984, when I wrote the paper "The Game of Modern Art," up until today, March 2015, the evidence and confirmation of all the decisive issues I raised in it have increased, which are linked to the resulting movements like bubbles. Everything I connected with seemingly strange and conflicting fields has also been confirmed, in order to clarify the hidden and driving backgrounds behind it as a destructive tool for civilizations and humanity. These backgrounds have been intricately woven because they represent an inseparable part of the new global system; that is, they were fabricated for a specific reason: to destroy all moral and religious sanctities and to impose all forms of immorality and depravity so that they seem natural and familiar!
The New Global System
The new global system is a program based on the establishment of a single political, economic, social, intellectual, and religious order in the world, to facilitate its leadership. This system is based on four main axes, three of which have nearly been implemented. This was achieved by uprooting the left in the 1980s, leaving only the capitalist system in all its harshness and unifying the outlines of the economy by establishing a market economy and transcontinental corporations. Moreover, ethics and values have been destroyed, and indecency and drugs have been imposed to the extent that these vices seem to be a customary or normal part of societies! They have invented the notion of "gender" and attempted to impose it since the days of the Women and Population Conference (in 1995), advocating for the individual’s right to change their gender by choice and practice. Indeed, this "gender" theory has been introduced into French schools this year at the elementary level, imposing fines on parents who prevent their children from attending these indecent lessons that contradict the natural disposition with which God created humans.
Gender Theory in Schools
The Premier of Ontario introduced it into schools last month but starting from the age of nine! They are currently destroying the religious axis, especially Islam, in these decades, after having demonized it since the events of September 11, 2001. What the West, particularly the Vatican, is doing now is a determined effort to Christianize the world, with an irreversible decision since the Second Vatican Council (1965).
The Artistic Field
And if we return to the artistic field, we would find that the Western market was simultaneously and consecutively inundated with a stream of artists who were recruited, along with the fabrication of an overwhelming number of explosive movements like bubbles. I counted 172 movements when I started writing my research, and I included their names at the end of the study. Additionally, another large number of writers and critics were recruited to condition the audience to accept ugliness and pornography in its most horrific forms, to the point that my book no longer warns of what is happening and will happen, but it rather seems as if it was written yesterday, due to the degradation and imposed deviation that has afflicted societies.
Connection Between Photography and Other Fields
In the second half of the twentieth century, no one thought or realized, at least in our Arab and Muslim countries, that there was a connection between the field of photography and several other areas such as politics, economics, stock markets, money laundering, drugs, or even between it and the demolition of human and religious moral values in all societies. The prevalence of ugliness, self-destruction, rampant obscenity, and the distasteful dependence on the West has become the defining characteristics of our time. These flowing doctrines in the field of photography were not imposed only in this area but also in all forms of artistic expression, such as sculpture, music, literature in its various forms, and theater, which are the fields that socially constitute the human emotional foundation in general.
Role of Writers and Critics
At the same time, the number of paid writers and critics has increased, who cheer and promote all these malicious deviations imposed globally under the names of "freedom of expression," "freedom of creativity," "innovation," or "progress and advancement," imitating the West! The critics write whatever can be placed under any of those absurd works, without any distinction; what matters is glorifying that lowly emptiness and that dissolution devoid of any meaning, so that the public becomes accustomed to ugliness, chaos, and the loss of values.
The Extremes of Modern Art
The disrespect and degradation of the spectator's feelings in the twentieth century reached such extremes that they invented what they called "Shit Art." The artist Piero Manzoni displayed his feces as a work of art, and then went further in his vulgarity by defecating into new metal cans, sealing them, and writing on the paper strip that surrounded the can the phrase "Artist's feces." He signed his name on the surface of the can, and sadly, the can was sold for thousands of euros, with museums in the West clamoring to acquire it. Meanwhile, Francis Bacon held an exhibition titled "Man and the Toilet." As for Jeff Koons, he further descended into vulgarity by depicting his intimate relationships with his wife in several paintings labeled "Made in Heaven," or by creating inflatable plastic sculptures with garish sexual insinuations. The sculpture called "Balloon Flower Magenta" was sold for an equivalent of 16.343 million euros at Christie’s in 2008. Here lies the process of money laundering, as when they enacted laws facilitating this destructive indulgence of societies, they issued legislation exempting it from taxes. How many vices occur under the guise of this exemption!
Money Laundering in the Art World
On March 16, 2015, the French magazine "Le Point," also reported by the British newspaper "The Financial Times," announced the arrest of Swiss businessman "Yves Bouvier" and the seizure of his assets. He is one of the prominent art dealers, accused of fraud and complicity in money laundering by issuing inflated invoices amounting to tens of millions of euros in a deal involving the sale of paintings to Russian billionaire "Dmitry Rybolovlev." The report also indicated that the art market, which thrives primarily in Monaco, Switzerland, and Singapore, has transaction values exceeding fifty billion euros, and is considered a wide field for money laundering and tax evasion. A conference is set to be held in Geneva in November of this year to discuss the situation of art and money laundering, suggesting that "consciences" there are beginning to awaken after nearly a century of manipulation, money laundering, and unchecked behavior, and after ugliness has become something commonplace!
Decline in Artistic Standards
It is sad and even shameful to see, here in Egypt, those who have succumbed to this decline and held an exhibition of watercolors inspired by his daughter's Vulva, without regard for any sanctity. Critics praised him widely at that time and even after his death! Many fell into the trap of depicting obscenities, not to mention the deterioration that has afflicted the level of graduates from art colleges due to the imposition of the absurdities of the West, without awareness or understanding of what they conceal. It is enough for them to feel sorrowful and humiliated by the loss of the ability to draw, which is akin to the backbone of the art of painting.
Hyperrealism and Deception
What is even more regrettable is that many of them resort to imitating the West to mask their loss of the talent for drawing and invent a doctrine of "Hyperrealism," which is based on printing an image onto the canvas from a photograph, and then they add some touches with oil paints, making the painting appear extremely realistic, as it is based on a photographic print. The mimickers here in our Arab countries have fallen into this trap, forgetting that by imitating this particular trend, they have turned into mere "painters" and even forgers. What they present to the public does not represent their actual level, but rather is a form of deception and forgery.
Confessions of Western Artists
Some of those who succumbed to or led this destruction in the West have confessed, using very revealing phrases about this game, the game of modern art. For example, the artist "Salvador Dalí" said: "Contemporary art is an international institution for nonsense," or "Antoine Tzapoff" said about that art: "The important thing is to destroy all values, provided that politics is not touched, and to drive humanity to the extremes of stupidity and to accept ugliness." Additionally, "Pablo Picasso" acknowledged to the Italian writer "Giovanni Papini" what was published in the Italian "Black Book" in 1952 and republished in the newspaper "Rivarol" on April 12, 1973.
Picasso's Bitter Confession
"The artist can practice his talent with all the new methods, all the flights of his imagination, using all means of cultural charlatanism and deception. The people no longer seek solace and encouragement in art; rather, the wealthy, idle elites, who are in search of distinction, look for what is new, what is strange, for money, for exaggeration, and for what is scandalous. As for me, since the Cubist movement and beyond, I have satisfied these gentlemen and these critics with all the oddities and changing absurdities that have occupied my mind. The more they fail to understand what I do, the more they admire me! And today, as you know, I am famous and wealthy... But, when I am alone with myself, I do not have the courage to consider myself an artist in the true sense of the word. I am merely a jester for the masses, a jester who understands his era and exploits it to the utmost degree of folly, triviality, and complicity. It is a bitter confession, and it is more bitter and painful than it seems, but it is an honest expression!"
The Question of Revival
There is no doubt that it is a bitter acknowledgment, but does humanity compensate for what it has lost or everything that has been destroyed?
After these damning confessions, and many others, what remains is for me to pose the question in our Arab countries to all those who have succumbed to the game of modern art, either out of ignorance or intentionally:
Hope for Revival
Is their hope for a revival of consciences after the true destructive hidden aspects of that game have been revealed?!
Is there hope for rebuilding what has been demolished of our heritage, our civilizations, our values, and the morals of our youth, or even for rebuilding the artist as a sincere human being, true to himself and to others, so that human civilization may shine once again?!