Addressing the Impact of Cultural Globalization on Youth Featured


The Issue of Cultural Globalization" is the appropriate introduction to begin this article about the impact of cultural globalization on the ethics, behaviors, and concepts of Muslim and Arab youth. It has significantly and directly contributed to shaping new patterns in their lives, thoughts, and attitudes towards local culture and traditional values. The inherited perception of recognized values, societal constants, and family values has changed, and the assessment of others is now linked to how much they engage with Western culture associated with the concepts of globalization and the abandonment of the cultural identity of the Muslim nation. Negative influences on youth concepts have multiplied across various behavioral, cultural, and social dimensions.

  • The impact on cultural identity:

Cultural globalization has imposed new patterns of Western culture that are promoted through media, the internet, low-quality films, and strange music. Many young people are adopting values and lifestyles far removed from traditional cultural values, which has led to a form of cultural alienation. One of the behavioral effects on them is the search for role models other than parents and scholars, often through social media from foreigners. Additionally, there is an attempt to compensate for the emotional void resulting from familial alienation by forming illicit relationships in the absence of the necessary oversight from all directions. Furthermore, cultural differences between societies have faded after the ease of travel and migration to the West, causing young people to leave their identities at the doors of their country's airports.

  • Changing social patterns:

Globalization has led to the emergence of a culture of consumption and a focus on individuality, which has affected social and family ties. The region has transformed into a large consumer market that relies on spending rather than production. The following of what is called "fashion" has increased among girls and young people, leading to mainstream tastes that have no connection to our culture. There has also been an increase in blatant immodesty and promiscuity, along with a decline in the value of respect and appreciation for elders, including scholars and educators.

  • The impact of technology and media:

Social media has played a significant role in transmitting and spreading Western culture among young people. The digital content directed from abroad often reinforces values that do not align with the values of the nation, such as unrestricted openness and materialism. Unfortunately, after all those challenges and the nearly catastrophic outcomes, the nation has not attempted to confront this media and technological wave with serious stances and alternative products that could counter this onslaught. Instead, there seems to be a form of surrender, as if there is no alternative but to capitulate to the tide of Western culture.

  • Value and Religious Challenges:

Serious challenges have faced Muslim youth in recent years that affect values related to religion, commitment, and fundamentals. This is due to their ongoing exposure to various and confusing cultural pressures, coupled with a weak religious motivation because of complex circumstances. This has led to the emergence of other issues, such as the phenomenon of atheism, questioning fundamental beliefs such as identity, and slipping into an unprecedented moral extremism.

  • Positive Opportunities:

The truth is that despite all the frustrating data and the negative image, the picture is not completely bleak. While cultural globalization may have imposed a different reality on the youth of the nation, it has also carried within it other ideas that can be leveraged if there is a societal will from scholars and thinkers to capitalize on those opportunities. It contains some positive aspects that no one has paid attention to amid that pile of negativities.

For example, the youth have been made aware of the state of freedoms in the West, the value of science, the value of the human being itself, and the dangers of a purely material life distant from religion and ethics. There is also an opportunity for a counterinfluence to globalization; instead of merely receiving, there is a possibility to export ideas related to our culture as Muslims.

Globalization has created a kind of mutual dialogue, and there is a significant possibility for influence as much as for being influenced, or even greater, if intellectual bodies are formed to create a reciprocal dialogue that can be greatly built upon in the near future. Additionally, the tools of globalization can be used to spread our culture through them. To achieve this, there are several procedures:

  • Strengthening the Islamic cultural identity through the family, the mosque, and education.
  • Developing methods of Dawah (Invitation or calling) using modern technology.
  • The ability to selectively choose from Western culture, to exclude its shortcomings, and to create a kind of balance between openness and the preservation of authenticity.

To enhance the Islamic cultural identity, there are several steps that those concerned must take to establish this identity within the consciousness of Muslim youth, including:

  • Education and its primary role in enhancing, preserving, and instilling identity. This can be done by teaching curricula that present history, heritage, and religious values in a new way that considers the purposes of knowledge and its lessons. It is also important to pay attention to the Arabic language, as it is the mother tongue that encompasses the sciences of religion, culture, and civilization together. Additionally, there should be a focus on the biographies of our ancestors and forefathers, highlighting their glories and heroism to encourage young people to take them as role models.
  • Media and content creation; aim to provide alternatives that young people are searching for, which they often find only in poor quality. Consequently, they turn to the other side and receive its products without selection or objection. It is essential to engage in the artistic field with a new mindset that recognizes the importance of this aspect and is committed to ensuring its quality and alignment with our Islamic culture. This approach should be affirmed while steering clear of violence, nudity, and imported values. Additionally, social media should be utilized to create public opinion that promotes authentic cultural values in a new, innovative, and appealing manner.
  • Cultural and community activities, such as organizing cultural events that encourage young creatives like poets, writers, musicians, and Arab fashion designers to explore alternatives that satisfy their tastes.
  • Interest in the family and restoring its educational role; the family is responsible for instilling cultural values and teaching customs and traditions through daily practice, in addition to reviving family ties and strengthening the relationship among members of the same family.

To develop means of Dawah (invitation or calling) using technology, it relies on investing in the available digital means, even if they are products of globalization. To achieve this:

  • Utilizing social media by creating pages and advocacy groups in different fields to combat the manifestations of the identity of the other, as well as producing attractive short YouTube videos that appeal to the youth.
  • Providing engaging digital content with an educational character presented through visuals and videos to clarify concepts and explain facts in a simplified manner.
  • Systematic program development to present the sciences of Sharia, such as jurisprudence, creed, biography, and Quranic sciences.
  • Investing in artificial intelligence programs for content creation and organization, utilizing its techniques to answer questions accurately, while engaging with young people on those answers and monitoring the scientific and cultural impact on them.
  • Delivering lectures and organizing seminars through live broadcasting on suitable platforms, while opening the doors for direct discussion.
  • Using the feature of digital marketing to reach as many people as possible and a broader audience.
  • The use of celebrities on social media to promote content that needs to be published is significant, as they represent a strongly influential aspect for young people.
  • Organizing events for direct communication between preachers and youth, through organizing retreats, preferably for more than one day, to live together, observe the behaviors of the youth, interact with them, and answer their questions.
  • Establish specialized offices for data analysis and planning and engage specialists in those fields to renew educational methods while monitoring the results.

Globalization has left significant negative impacts on the youth of the nation. It is now time for officials to pay attention to the seriousness of the situation and to devise solutions to confront the matter with strength. Hope remains alive in addressing this issue, especially since the Islamic approach will continue to be suitable for accommodating everything new and challenging any reality.


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