If the family is the basic unit of society, then the network of relationships among its members forms the foundation of this unit. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the values and principles adopted by the family members, starting from the parents and extending to the children. Thus, it serves as the “practical translation” of the value system believed by all its members.
From this standpoint, a family whose members predominantly adhere to a utilitarian value system will not be cohesive in any way. Their relationships will resemble contractual ones based on conditional exchanges of interests rather than mutual support, solidarity, affection, and mercy. This contractual nature has become a hallmark of the era of Western cultural dominance, which measures everything by its price, including kinship relations.
However, the civilization of Islam, based on divine revelation as the primary reference for guiding family relationships, places the concept of value in parallel with the concept of price. It asserts from the outset that there are things that are truly priceless, with family relationships being foremost among them.
Building family relationships on foundations derived from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet is the only safeguard in our time against the flood of materialistic drift that seeks to commodify every value and price every virtue. This is in the dominance of materialism, which is the essence of Western civilization and the main reason for its technical superiority and moral decline simultaneously.
The statistics that record Western superiority in technology and science are the same ones that show a rapid trend towards demographic decline due to a decreased desire for marriage and childbirth, and an increase in rates of homosexuality and other practices glorified by the devilish propaganda machine in the so-called progressive countries. The reality is that what is progressing is materialism, its ability to shape and transform, while humanity is sinking into a deep abyss of loss.
Astonishingly, in this context, the alarm bells rung by Western institutions, including the International Monetary Fund in its report issued in June 2023, focus on the danger of the phenomenon from a materialistic perspective as well. Demographic decline means the formation of a future population bomb, characterized by a shrinking workforce and thus increased financial burdens on social welfare systems, which in turn burdens national economies!
In contrast to this perception of man and life, the religion of nature, revealed by Allah, portrays a different picture of family relationships based on mercy as the foundation among family members. This divine guidance is reflected in Allah's saying: “And We have enjoined upon man to his parents, good treatment.” (Al-Ahqaf: 15), making the relationship with parents a value that transcends utility or price. Similarly, the Prophet's guidance in his saying: “The most liked deeds to Allah are the prayer at its proper time, then goodness to the parents.” (Agreed upon), and his saying: “The merciful are shown mercy by Ar-Rahman.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhi)
The echo of removing family relationships from the circle of utility, which governs the materialistic framework of life, is even recognized in studies by Western research institutions. A study conducted by researchers at Brigham Young University in 2018 found that families placing the satisfaction of God at the center of their lives exhibit stronger bonds among their members. However, the results of these studies remain confined to a reality dominated by money, overshadowed by lobbies profiting from human destruction!
The Master of Creation, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a walking Quran in this sense. He stood with Lady Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, to fulfill her passion for watching the Abyssinians play with spears in the mosque. He would kiss his grandsons, Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain, and show tenderness to them even if they climbed on his back during prayer. He wisely handled jealousy among his wives, and treated his servant as a family member.
How far we have strayed from these values and drifted into what materialistic dominance has trapped us. It is time we reinstated our religious values at the center of our family lives, practicing this practically by collectively engaging in religious rituals and laws. This ensures the blessing in the network of family relationships, which is priceless and unparalleled by any number. It is, at its core, the divine success Allah grants only to His pious servants.
One of the manifestations of this success is the unique social cohesion reflected in the family through the collective practice of rituals and laws. This cohesion is the result of adhering to Allah's commands, which is why the Quran expresses it with the term “placed” in Allah's saying: “And He placed between you affection and mercy.” (Ar-Rum: 21) The matter is not a chemical compound produced by rigid steps, but rather related to the purification of souls by subjecting them to what Allah commands and diverting them from what He forbids.
These values enhance a healthy family environment and help its members handle life's difficulties with greater maturity and balance. Otherwise, the materialistic grind knows no end, precisely what the Quran warns about in Allah's saying: “And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life.” (Taha: 124)
Depression is not necessarily poverty, as even the wealthiest may experience it because they are the least purified in their souls and the farthest from obeying their Lord, thus the farthest from the values of truth, justice, and goodness. This later reflects on how they raise their children and develop their personalities.
The role of the family is fundamental in shaping social identity, playing a crucial role in forming the individuals' identity and values. When family relationships are built on strong religious foundations, it consequently leads to the formation of a cohesive society. Therefore, we must address the phenomenon of family disintegration as an existential threat to our societies, not just a social phenomenon as viewed from the Western perspective.
Our societies cannot exist if families disintegrate, and there are no alternatives that can replace the basic building unit of society, as the proponents of gender ideologies and monosexual families claim, along with other dazzling materialistic Western ideas that are rapidly leading to self-annihilation.
Building our family relationships on foundations derived from divine revelation is not merely a religious duty but also a social necessity that enhances societal stability and cohesion. However, reinforcing these relationships requires collective effort in practicing what Allah has commanded, with the essence of this being the purification of the souls.