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Double standards between Gaza and Aleppo! Featured

By Abdulaziz Al-Fadhli December 08, 2024 5563


The principles and values support each other and do not conflict; they form an indivisible whole and are ثابتة (fixed) and do not change with time and place. They apply to everyone regardless of their beliefs, colors, or languages.

Islam is one of the greatest religions that calls for commitment to principles and values with everyone, without discrimination between Muslim and non-Muslim. It calls for honesty and trustworthiness with all, forbids oppression, and advocates for the oppressed, even if they are not Muslims.

Biographies and history books tell that Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, defended a wronged Coptic man who was beaten by the son of the governor of Egypt because he surpassed him in a horse race. The Caliph ruled that the Coptic should strike the governor's son, and he said his famous words that history recorded: “When did you enslave people when their mothers bore them free?!”

I am astonished by some individuals and parties and the contradictions in their positions. They raised the banner of defending the oppressed and humanity in Gaza against Zionist aggression, a stance for which they deserve commendation. However, we see them, conversely, supporting the oppression and tyranny and the violations of human rights practiced by the Assad regime against the Syrian people!

Isn’t this regime the one that killed innocent civilians, men, and women? Isn’t it the one that violated honor? Isn’t it the one that threw thousands of innocents into prisons? The images have shown the horrors they were subjected to, which in many cases led to their deaths?

Isn’t this regime the one that displaced families, making them refugees scattered across the corners of the earth?!

Astonishingly, these contradictors attack the Syrian people who are rising against oppression and demanding their rights, accusing them of being supported by the Zionist entity, especially after the "Deterrence of Aggression" operation, which was carried out by the armed Syrian opposition to expel the regime forces and the foreign militias supporting it from the territories where they displaced the people, like the cities of Aleppo and Hama and others.

If these individuals were agents, they would have started their military actions during the “Israeli” aggression against Lebanon while "Hezbollah" was preoccupied with this war.

Reason, logic, fairness, and humanity compel us to support the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, just as we supported and still support the rights and demands of our brothers in Gaza and Palestine. The double standards between the two stances expose their owner and condemn them!


Last modified on Sunday, 08 December 2024 10:43