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The Prisoner Movement... Flame of Resistance Against Zionist Brutal Oppression Machine

By Louay Sawalha November 20, 2024 2052

The assassination of the Prisoners' Movement inside the prisons of the Zionist occupation is not just a physical targeting of Palestinian prisoners or an attempt to isolate them from their people, but a systematic plan aimed at eliminating the resistant thought and spirit of struggle represented by this movement. Prisoners are not just numbers behind bars, but symbols of resilience and symbols of Palestinian national unity, which the occupation seeks to dismantle by all means. The criminal practices against prisoners in detention centers, especially deliberate medical neglect, as seen in "Soroka" hospital, reveal the true face of the occupation. Instead of providing medical care, this hospital is used as a tool to physically and psychologically torture prisoners.

The testimonies of sick prisoners reveal painful chapters of humiliation, where illness becomes a means to subdue them, often targeting leaders and thinkers who have spent long years leading national work from inside prison cells, seeking to maintain the unity of the Prisoners' Movement and inspire new generations to continue the path of struggle. Targeting the Prisoners' Movement is not just hostile acts, but reflects the occupation's understanding of the pivotal role of prisoners in igniting the spark of revolution and renewing the spirit of resistance. The occupation knows that prisoners, despite being in chains, pose a strategic threat because they carry a clear message that freedom is achieved through struggle, and that injustice, no matter how long it lasts, will eventually vanish. The Prisoners' Movement represents the beating heart of the Palestinian cause, preserving the memory of struggle and serving as a bridge connecting generations of resistance in an ongoing liberation epic. These repressive policies are not isolated events, but part of a colonial system seeking to erase the Palestinian national identity with all its components. The occupation realizes that killing the spirit of resistance within prisons is the first step in eradicating the national identity outside them. However, Palestinians, who were raised on the values of resilience and dignity, understand that prisoners are not just detained individuals, but heroes and a burning flame that never goes out, inspiring their people in the fields of struggle. International silence in the face of these crimes reveals a blatant double standard in the standards, as the international system, which claims to protect human rights, stands helpless or complicit when it comes to the occupation. How can the international community demand Palestinians to abide by international law while international institutions turn a blind eye to the daily violations by the occupation?!

The dual standards put the global system in a serious ethical dilemma, as the Palestinian child who is forced to witness the demolition of his home and the arrest of his family will not believe in the justice of these international institutions but will increase belief that struggle is the only option to achieve freedom.

This dark reality deepens the conviction of Palestinians that resistance is the only way to confront the Zionist oppression and reclaim their legitimate rights. Targeting prisoners in prisons is just a part of the occupation's attempts to break the will of the Palestinian people. Prisoners, who represent the first line of defense of the cause, are considered an existential threat to the occupation because they embody resilience and steadfastness. Despite the restrictions of the prisons, prisoners continue to send messages of hope to their people, confirming that the occupation, no matter how repressive its methods, will not be able to eliminate the spirit of resistance.

The Palestinian people realize that their freedom will not be given to them through international decisions or fruitless negotiations but must be taken through struggle and resistance. The prisoner movement is one of the most prominent symbols of this struggle, inspiring the Palestinian people to continue confronting the occupation. Despite all the occupation's attempts to break the determination of the prisoners, the prisoner movement has proven to be resilient. It is not just a group of detainees, but a school of struggle that produces generations believing that freedom is a right that is seized through struggle. The crimes committed by the occupation, instead of weakening the prisoner movement, give it strength and renew its spirit of resistance.

The Palestinian cause is not just a struggle for land, but a battle for human dignity and justice. Palestinian prisoners, who sacrifice their lives for freedom, prove every day that the occupation will not be able to extinguish the flame of resistance burning in their hearts. They are the most prominent symbol of resilience, and their people realize that their freedom is linked to the liberation of these heroes who have sacrificed everything for their homeland.

Last modified on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 16:32

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