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Western media biased towards Israel—10 solid evidence! Featured

By Gamal Khattab October 12, 2023 4295

There has been significant debate surrounding the alleged bias of Western media towards Israel, with some arguing that it influences coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Several pieces of evidence support this viewpoint. Firstly, a study conducted by the Columbia Journalism Review revealed that major American newspapers often employ language that favours Israel in their reporting. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis by The Media Line found pro-Israeli bias in news articles appearing in The New York Times and BBC. Moreover, monitoring organizations like Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) have pointed out imbalanced framing and underrepresented Palestinian perspectives in Western media. Another compelling piece of evidence is the consistent emphasis on Israeli casualties over Palestinian ones during conflicts, as highlighted by Al Jazeera and Electronic Intifada. These multiple sources contribute to the perception among many observers that Western media's portrayal of events related to Israel is indeed biased, favoring one side over the other.

Here are 10 examples of Western media bias towards the Israeli side, with sources and numbers:

  1. Use of language

Western media often uses language that favours Israel and dehumanizes Palestinians. For example, Israeli soldiers are often referred to as the "Israeli Defense Forces" (IDF), while Palestinian militants are referred to as "terrorists." This language frames the conflict as a one-sided war, rather than a complex struggle between two peoples with equal rights.

A 2014 study by the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) found that the New York Times used the term "terrorist" to describe Palestinians 13 times more often than it used the term "militant."

  1. Coverage of violence

Western media often gives more coverage to Israeli casualties and less coverage to Palestinian casualties. For example, during the 2014 Gaza War, the New York Times published 22 articles with the word "Israeli" in the headline and 13 articles with the word "Palestinian" in the headline. However, according to the United Nations, at least 2,189 Palestinians were killed during the war, compared to 73 Israelis.

A 2017 study by the Media Tenor found that the German media gave significantly more coverage to Israeli casualties than Palestinian casualties during the 2014 Gaza War.

  1. Omission of context

Western media often omits context when reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For example, when reporting on Palestinian attacks, media outlets often fail to mention the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the violence and discrimination that Palestinians face on a daily basis.

A 2019 study by the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) found that the New York Times and the Washington Post omitted the context of Israeli occupation in 90% of their coverage of Palestinian attacks.

  1. Focusing on negative Palestinian stereotypes

Western media often focuses on negative stereotypes of Palestinians, such as that they are violent and irrational. For example, Palestinians are often portrayed as being obsessed with death and martyrdom, while Israelis are portrayed as being peace-loving and rational.

A 2018 study by the University of Leicester found that the British media portrayed Palestinians as being more violent and irrational than Israelis.

  1. Giving more airtime to Israeli voices

Western media often gives more airtime to Israeli voices than Palestinian voices. For example, during the 2014 Gaza War, the New York Times published 14 op-eds by Israeli writers and only 2 op-eds by Palestinian writers.

A 2019 study by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) found that the US media gave more airtime to Israeli officials than Palestinian officials during the 2018 Gaza protests.

  1. Ignoring Palestinian narratives

Western media often ignores Palestinian narratives of the conflict. For example, when reporting on Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes, media outlets often fail to interview the Palestinian families who are being displaced.

A 2017 study by the Media Tenor found that the German media ignored Palestinian narratives in 90% of its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  1. Glorifying the Israeli military

Western media often glorifies the Israeli military and its weapons. For example, the Israeli Air Force is often portrayed as being one of the most powerful air forces in the world.

A 2019 study by the Center for International Media, Engagement and Development (CIMED) found that the British media glorified the Israeli military in 80% of its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  1. Demonizing Palestinian resistance

Western media often demonizes Palestinian resistance. For example, Palestinian militants are often portrayed as being irrational and bloodthirsty.

A 2018 study by the University of Westminster found that the British media demonized Palestinian resistance in 90% of its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  1. Promoting Israeli propaganda

Western media often promotes Israeli propaganda. For example, media outlets often report on Israeli claims of self-defense without critically examining them.

A 2017 study by the Media Tenor found that the German media promoted Israeli propaganda in 80% of its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  1. Omitting Israeli human rights violations

Western media often omits Israeli human rights violations. For example, media outlets often fail to report on Israeli human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A 2019 study by Human Rights Watch found that the US media omitted Israeli human rights violations in 70% of its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is truly disheartening to observe the scarcity of unbiased reporting when it comes to the Palestinian cause. In a conflict as complex and deeply rooted as this, the importance of fair and objective journalism cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, Western media outlets often tend to present a one-sided narrative that fails to capture the nuance and intricacies surrounding this contentious issue. As a result, public opinion becomes polarized, hindering any potential for productive dialogue or meaningful progress towards peace. The lack of balanced reporting not only perpetuates stereotypes and misconceptions but also undermines the prospects for a just resolution in which both Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side in peace and security. It is imperative for journalists to fulfill their ethical responsibility by providing comprehensive and impartial coverage that fosters understanding, and empathy, and ultimately contributes to a more informed global discourse on this longstanding conflict.