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Contentment: The Secret to a Tranquil Heart

By December 21, 2024 4696


A noble character trait that only those with noble hearts, dignified souls, peaceful consciences, strong faith, contentment with Allah, and assurance in His sustenance can possess.

This is a great trait from the high morals of Islam, embodied by prophets and righteous people since the creation of Adam, peace be upon him. In a world that has become engrossed in worldly desires, filled its heart with them until they are left unsatisfied, where contentment has vanished, and greed has spread across the Muslim society from east to west, how desperately the Ummah today needs to revive the concepts of contentment and satisfaction to regain feelings of security, tranquility, and peace between oneself, others, and between Muslims and their Lord!

Contentment does not mean accepting injustice and oppression by giving up one's rights. Rather, it means being satisfied with what Allah has apportioned after exerting effort and ensuring societal justice in Muslim lands. Contentment is being satisfied with what Allah has given, (1) as Ibn Miskawayh said: “Contentment is leniency in food, drink, and adornments.” (2)


Contentment is a Part of Faith

Contentment is not just an optional trait that some may choose to adopt according to their desires while others reject under pressure. Rather, it is a part of faith that everyone should embody and fill their hearts with. Allah the Almighty says, “If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (An-Nur: 32), and He says, “Feed  the needy and the beggar.” (Al-Hajj: 36) Mujahid said: “The content person is your neighbor who is content with what you gave him.” (3) Abu Ishaq al-Tha'labi said: “Contentment comes from satisfaction, which is being fulfilled and refraining from asking.” (4)

The Prophet (ﷺ) guided the Ummah to adopt contentment. Abdullah ibn Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “He Is successful who has accepted Islam, who has been provided with sufficient for his want and been made contented by Allah with what He has given him.” (Narrated by Muslim) Fadalah ibn Ubayd reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Happiness is due to him who is guided to Islam and possesses provision that suffices him for his day and remains content.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)

Abdullah ibn Umar told of God’s messenger taking him by the shoulders and saying, ‘‘Be in the world as though you were a stranger or one who is passing through.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari) Ibn Hibban said: “In this narration, the Prophet (ﷺ) commanded Ibn Umar to be in this world as if he were a stranger or a traveler, as if he ordered him to be content with little of this world since a stranger and a traveler do not aim to accumulate wealth during their absence. Contentment is closer to them than seeking abundance in this world.” (5)


Contentment Forms in Our Contemporary Life

  1. Contentment with Family and Social Status: Most of today's youth resent their parents and their social and economic levels, harboring anger towards everyone, sometimes even lying about these levels when speaking among peers.
  2. Contentment with Appearance: Especially among women and girls who resort to cosmetic surgeries and changing Allah's creation to please others, with some wanting to change their features to resemble a particular person, rejecting and rebelling against Allah's creation.
  3. Contentment with Little Sustenance: As long as effort has been exerted.
  4. Contentment with Little Food: Without extravagance or stinginess.
  5. Contentment in Choosing Clothes: A Muslim suffices with cleanliness and adherence to Shariah conditions without insisting on high prices.
  6. Contentment with Spouse: Without constantly comparing to others or feeling dissatisfied with the spouse Allah has granted.

Impact on Individuals and Society

Contentment leaves positive impacts on both individuals and society, including:

  1. Peace of mind and a good life for the believer.
  2. Pleases Allah and earns His love.
  3. A sign of complete faith.
  4. Eliminates envy, grudges, hatred, and negative competition within the Muslim community.
  5. Causes blessings in the sustenance of those who adopt it.
  6. A cause for self-respect, dignity, and honor for a Muslim.


Ways to Acquire Contentment (6)

  1. Knowing the value of contentment in the sight of Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ), and then approaching Him by embodying it as much as possible.
  2. Studying the lives of the previous righteous companions and Salaf, observing their behavior and contentment.
  3. Learning the value of economy in spending and avoiding extravagance.
  4. Seeking help through du’a and believing in its power to change any difficult reality. The Prophet (ﷺ) used to say: “O God, I ask Thee for guidance, piety, self-control and a competence.” (Narrated by Muslim)
  5. Looking at those with less sustenance, except in matters of worship and all that brings one closer to Allah. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “When one of you looks at someone who is superior to him in property and appearance, he should look at someone who is inferior to him.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet (ﷺ) in this hadith guided us to the path that will lead us to contentment, fill our souls with satisfaction, and make us aware of Allah's blessings upon us so that we may properly thank Him, increasing us in His bounties. This path is to look at those who are below us in the worldly life rather than those above us because this encourages recognition and appreciation of Allah's blessings and prevents belittling and undervaluing them. (7)

  1. Believing that the disparity in sustenance is due to Allah's wisdom, and if one could see the unseen, they would choose Allah's decrees over their own desires.



  1. Mishkat al-Anwar by Qadi Iyad (2/187).
  2. Tahdhib al-Akhlaq, p. 29.
  3. Tafsir al-Tabari (16/563).
  4. Tafsir al-Thalabi (7/23).
  5. Rawḍat al-'Uqala', p. 157.
  6. Encyclopedia of Morals and Behavior, Contentment.
  7. Al-Adab Al-Nabawi, p. 221.

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