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Islamic Perspective on Global Zionism

By Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Mihanna December 29, 2024 449


Islamic jurists have established several principles before issuing a judgment on any matter. One such principle is “judging something is a branch of understanding it.” A jurist should not issue a ruling on a matter until he fully comprehends it to ensure the judgment aligns with reality; otherwise, the ruling may be significantly flawed. Many fatwas on Freemasonry were erratic upon its emergence because many jurists did not truly understand it. Similarly, judgments on smoking were issued without knowing its definite harm, among other matters that require thorough understanding for the jurist to make an accurate and precise judgment.

Global Zionism stems from ideological and racist foundations, aiming to establish Israel’s goal as a Jewish state for all Jews.

One such matter is the judgment on the World Zionist Organization and its resulting institutions, and thus, the judgment on dealing with them and participating in some of their projects and activities. Therefore, it is necessary to first understand this organization, its reality, objectives, and methods.


Foundation and Principles

The first person to use the term Zionism was the Austrian Jewish philosopher Nathan Birnbaum in 1893, derived from the word “Zion,” one of the biblical names referring to Jerusalem. Zion is a mountain in Jerusalem, and from it, the term Zionism was coined to denote a new ideology in which Jewish identity is shaped as an independent sovereign nation.

The World Zionist Organization can be defined as a political ideological movement that emerged among Jews in Eastern and Central Europe with the aim of establishing a national homeland for the Jews by colonizing lands outside Europe. This culminated in the establishment of an ethnocratic state in Palestine in 1948. The organization played a pivotal role in founding the State of Israel and promoting Zionist ideas globally. It was founded in Basel, Switzerland, on August 30, 1897, where its founder, Theodor Herzl, succeeded in convening the First Zionist Congress. (1) Two key outcomes of this congress were:

  1. The proclamation of the first statement of the Zionist movement, known as the “Basel Program,” aimed at establishing a national homeland for the Jews under public law.
  2. The establishment of the “Zionist Organization,” a structural framework that includes all Jews who agree with the Basel Program. In 1960, it obtained its current official name; the “World Zionist Organization.”

The usurpation of Palestinian lands by the Zionist Movement is a violation on the rights of Muslims to their land and sanctities.

The global Zionist organization is ideologically racist, striving to achieve the goal of the State of Israel as a Jewish state for all Jews, meaning that any Jew worldwide has the right to become an Israeli citizen merely because of their Jewish faith. Conversely, non-Jews residing in the occupied land of Palestine, whether in areas occupied in 1948 or those occupied in 1967, are not considered legitimate citizens, despite being the original inhabitants. The Zionists succeeded in officially passing the Jewish Nation-State Law on July 19, 2018, after its first introduction in the Knesset in 2011.

Objectives of Global Zionism:

  • Encouraging Jewish immigration from around the world to occupied Palestine by removing all obstacles that may hinder it.
  • Collecting funds to support the Zionist project, such as establishing numerous donation funds like the “Keren Hayesod” to support settlement in areas occupied in 1967.
  • Strengthening Jewish identity and Zionist culture by promoting the idea of belonging to the so-called “Promised Land” and reviving Hebrew as a national language for Jews.

To achieve these objectives, the organization does not shy away from using any means to usurp as much Palestinian land as possible through various methods (deception, coercion, collusion with the British in the past and others currently, etc.). Some of their prominent tools and activities include:

  • Mobilizing international support to provide unconditional and unlimited backing to the usurping state by establishing strong “lobbies” to influence decision-makers in Western countries, especially the United States, where the largest Zionist lobby exists, with presidential candidates competing to please them.
  • Using funds like the “Jewish National Fund” to purchase land and finance settlement projects.
  • Controlling education and media by establishing schools, controlling universities and research centers, owning various media outlets, and pressuring writers and opponents of the Zionist idea under the terrorism of anti-Semitism, which has come to mean opposing “Israel” regardless of the reason, and portraying Jews as victims despite committing war crimes.


Zionism as part of a broader scheme to dismantle the Islamic Ummah and deplete its resources, and we were ordered to fight to attack us.

Zionism and the World

The UN General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975, with 72 votes in favor, 35 against, and 32 abstentions, determined that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. The resolution called on all nations to combat the Zionist ideology, which it stated posed a threat to global security and peace. This resolution is often cited in discussions related to Zionism and racism. Unfortunately, the resolution was revoked by Resolution 46/86 on December 16, 1991, as Israel conditioned its participation in the Madrid Conference of 1991 on the repeal of Resolution 3379.

Islamic Sharia Position on Global Zionism:

After this brief overview of global Zionism, it is evident that Islamic jurists categorically reject global Zionism and, consequently, any dealings that would strengthen them or facilitate their criminal goals. This rejection is based on religious, ethical, and political foundations related to the principles of Islam and values of justice, as well as a historical and contemporary understanding of the Zionist movement and its objectives. Here are the main reasons upon which they base their stance:

First: Rejection of the Usurpation of Any Islamic Land

As we have seen, global Zionism is based on the idea of seizing others' lands. The concept of usurping others' rights is generally forbidden in Islamic Sharia, especially when it concerns sacred land that is the site of the Prophet's night journey and contains the first Qibla for Muslims. This belief is integral to Muslims' faith. According to Islamic jurisprudence, Palestine is considered an Islamic Waqf (endowment) that cannot be relinquished or dealt with in a way that harms Islam and Muslims' interests. The usurpation of Palestinian lands by the Zionist movement is thus seen as an infringement on the rights of Muslims to their land and holy sites.

Islamic Sharia prohibits aggression and injustice. Since global Zionism has forcibly displaced Palestinians and committed massacres, this contradicts Islamic principles that prohibit and criminalize injustice. Islam forbids aggression against others, as Allah says, “But do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.” (Al-Baqarah: 190)

Second: Opposition to Zionism's Lack of Coexistence with Others

Islam is a universal religion characterized by mercy for all, without discrimination in rights and duties among its citizens, regardless of their religion, color, or race. This contrasts with Zionism, which is based on racism, exclusion, and denial of others' rights. The displacement of landowners and the usurpation of their rights is a fundamental Zionist project, entirely opposing the core principles of Islam that call for justice and respect for others' rights, even if we dislike them. Allah says, “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.” (Al-Maidah: 8)

The prohibition of normalizing relations with the Zionist entity, assisting it, and forming alliances with it; the obligation to boycott it economically, politically, and culturally.

Third: Rejection of Racism and the Principle of Racial Superiority

People are equal in Islam; their origin is one, and their Lord is one. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O you people, indeed your Lord is One. Indeed, there is no virtue that an Arab has over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab, nor a red (white) person over a black person, nor a black person over a [white] person except by piety; verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is the one who has most Taqwa.” (2) On the contrary, Zionists believe that Jews are the chosen people of Allah and that others are mere servants for their service. Allah says, “The Jews and the Christians say, 'We are the children of Allah and His beloved.' Say, 'Then why does He punish you for your sins? Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created.'” (Al-Maidah: 18)

Fourth: Rejection of Alliance with Oppressors

Islam forbids cooperation with or aiding oppressors. Allah says, “And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire.” (Hud: 113), and “And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.” (Al-Maidah: 2) Since Zionism is based on injustice and aggression to achieve its goals, supporting it in any form is religiously forbidden.

Fifth: Rejection of Western Dominance and Colonialism

Given that Zionism is an instrument of the Western colonial scheme, or stemming from the Zionist Jewish- Western Christian alliance that seeks to control the resources of the Islamic world, the establishment of the State of Israel was with unlimited Western support. Islam rejects Western dominance, whether through direct occupation as before the establishment of the Zionist state or indirectly after the apparent end of colonialism while its tools remained on the ground, with one of the most prominent being the Zionist entity. Thus, Zionism is part of a broader scheme to dismantle the Islamic Ummah and deplete its resources, and we have been commanded to fight those who fight us. Allah says, “Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress.” (Al-Baqarah: 190), and “And expel them from wherever they have expelled you.” (Al-Baqarah: 191)

Based on the above, it is forbidden to normalize relations with the Zionist entity, to join any institution stemming from global Zionism, to assist them or form alliances with them, and to boycott them economically, politically, academically, athletically and culturally. It is obligatory to fight them until they are expelled from Muslim lands. Practicing Jihad against them is the immediate duty of the Islamic Ummah.

It is shameful that some members of the Islamic Ummah follow the global Zionist movement knowingly or unknowingly, while there are Jews who oppose the idea of Zionism based on religious, cultural, or ideological reasons.



(1) The Zionist Congress: The supreme body of the World Zionist Organization, which meets every four years to elect the organization's president, general council, and executive committee.

(2) Narrated by Abu Nu'aym in “Hilyat al-Awliya” (3/100), and al-Bayhaqi in “Shu'ab al-Iman” (Hadith 5137).

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