The book "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" is a critical work by American Jewish academic and researcher Norman Finkelstein, published in 2000. It addresses the topic of the "Holocaust" from two main perspectives: the first concerns the interpretation of the narrative surrounding the "Holocaust," and the second focuses on how that narrative is exploited for political and commercial purposes.
The book stirred wide controversy, as it faced criticism from some Jewish and Zionist circles. It was translated into Arabic twice; the first time by Samah Idris in 2000, and the second time by Saud Attia in 2001.
Finkelstein criticizes the excessive and misleading use of the history of the "Holocaust" by certain groups and organizations, particularly those that benefit from perpetuating the image of the Jewish victim.
He believes that some Jewish organizations, such as the "American Jewish Union," have exploited the "Holocaust" as a political pressure tool to achieve their interests, such as strengthening military and financial support for the occupying state.
It also directs sharp criticism at some academics who work to establish the image of the "Holocaust" as a unique event that cannot be questioned, despite the fact that the book calls for recognizing other historical atrocities such as the Armenian genocide.
Finkelstein compares the "Holocaust" to the suffering of other minorities that have faced persecution and extermination in various parts of the world, warning against the selective use of the "Holocaust" to pressure people or distort historical facts.
The media figure Ahmad Mansour says in an interview on the program "Without Boundaries" with the author of the book in 2004: "Although the book does not exceed 160 pages, the number of articles written about it is not in the dozens, but in the hundreds. These articles have been published in most Western newspapers, especially the reputable and famous ones."
Mansour added that the book presents a bold study that reveals the "Holocaust" industry, unveiling the groups behind it and their objectives, as well as the means and methods employed by the Jewish lobby to blackmail countries around the world.
The book, according to Mansour, also discusses how these individuals obtained tens of billions of dollars in compensation for the victims of the "Holocaust," which were subsequently distributed to "Israel" and Jewish groups, in addition to layers of lawyers and other beneficiaries.
The main axes of the book.
The book indicates that the "Holocaust" has become part of a cultural and historical industry that benefits a certain group, and how the Jews have been able to exploit this suffering to achieve political, economic, commercial, and social gains. It sharply criticizes the Zionist and Jewish institutions, some of which profit from this suffering.
The book explains how the "Holocaust" is used by some political powers to achieve special interests, and how it is exploited as a tool for political and economic manipulation, focusing on how Zionist institutions and some governments exploit this historical event to achieve material and moral gains.
The author calls for a critique and review of some academic and media positions related to the "Holocaust," and the exaggeration in presenting its events in order to create a public opinion and a broad narrative around it, which affects the objective understanding of historical events in favor of the Jews.
The text discusses how the occupying state has used the "Holocaust" as a means to enhance its political legitimacy and international support, and how it is exploited to justify "Israel's" policies against the Palestinians, gain international sympathy for them, and strengthen its position in the conflict.
The Holocaust is a horrible crime against humanity that won’t be forgotten by history. The hidden relations between the government of Adolf Hitler and German- Zionists go back to 1923. From the first years of the Nazi regime, Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party (1920 -1945) shared the goal of many Zionists to encourage the Jews to embrace Zionism and emigrate to Palestine.
This article explains how Hitler and his Nazi Party cooperated with Zionists to get rid of German Jews by encouraging them move to Palestine. It will also shed light on the connection between the atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians and atrocities committed against the Jews by the Nazis.
Edwin Black in his book, The Transfer Agreement, published in 1984, retells the story of the agreement worked out between Zionists and the Nazi government in 1933.
Also, the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in his book "The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism" (Arabic:الوجه الآخر: العلاقات السرية بين النازية والصهيونية) published in 1984 in Arabic, raises the question of who is guilty of the Holocaust, and sees it is not fair to blame the Nazis only. He provides proofs that there were Zionist collaborators with Nazis in killing a large number of European Jews in order to encourage the rest to embrace Zionism and emigrate to Palestine.
By contrast, while Jews were discriminated against in Europe, they lived protected in Arab and Muslim countries throughout history
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain (711-1031), which coincided with the European Middle Ages, was under the Arab Muslim Rule, during which Jews were accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life flourished.
So while, Jews lived protected and secure in Arab and Muslim countries in the distant and near past, with the rise of Hitler, the Jews in Germany faced a dilemma, as the persecution of the Jews became an official Nazi policy that aimed at getting rid of the German Jews. Hitler hated the Jews, but we can say that Hitler did not invent the hatred of Jews. Jews in Europe had been subject to hatred and discrimination and persecution since the Middle Ages if not before, allegedly coeval with Christianity since the main thing the Christians blamed the Jews for was killing the Christ as in the Gospels. Mahmoud Abbas in September 2023 said Hitler ordered the mass murder of Jews because of their "social role" as moneylenders, rather than out of animosity to Judaism, a speech that was condemned by German and Israeli officials.
In Germany, the Nazis organized a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses; under the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service which was implemented on April 7, 1933, Jews were excluded from the civil service; on April 25, quotas were imposed on the number of Jews in schools and universities. Jews were sometimes forced to convert to Christianity, or they were not allowed to practice certain professions. The German regulations gradually but systematically took away their rights and property, transforming them from citizens into outcasts.
Jews outside Germany responded to these persecutions with a boycott of German goods, which appeared to some Nazis to threaten the Reich. But at the same time a group of Zionists were negotiating secretly with Nazis to allow Jews to go with their assets to Palestine.
Haavara Agreement
In 1933, The Nazi regime signed with the Zionist German Jews the Haavara Agreement or "transfer agreement" on 25 August 1933. That agreement was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews from Germany to Palestine over the following six years. The agreement allowed the Jews to move with their assets to Palestine.
In 1934, A medal struck in honor of the series of articles" A Nazi Travels to Palestine" which was published in the Nazi journal "Der Angriff" (The Attack). A memento of the cooperation that took place between the Nazi Party and the German Zionist Federation, in their mutual goal of relocating German Jews to Palestine. Germany, 1934.
Zionist terror in Palestine before the establishment of Israel
In order to pave the way for the immigration of German Jews to Palestine, the Zionists found it essential to create fear among the Arab citizens as well as among the British personals in Palestine to end the British mandate over Palestine and make the establishment of their state easy. And in order to achieve their goals, they created several Jewish terrorist militias that were bombing and shooting dead British officials and Palestinian Arabs.
Terrorist groups integrated into IDF
The Jewish terrorist groups including Haganah to Irgun, and the Stern Gang used terrorism against the British mandate over Palestine. Haganah (founded in 1920) was the armed wing of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, which was the operational branch of the World Zionist Organization founded by Theodor Herzl. Haganah was formally disbanded in 1948, and integrated into the IDF shortly after the establishment of Israel.
John Lois Peeke, an American military expert, also writes that Zionist terrorism was at the core of the idea of Israel. “Jewish terrorism against British and Arabs did contribute heavily to the removal of the British from Palestine, the abandonment of the League of Nations mandate and the creation of a Jewish state of Israel,” he wrote in his book Jewish-Zionist Terrorism and the Establishment of Israel, 1977.
Undoubtedly, such terror was not to happen without the help of a stronger power, which was the Nazis.
Jewish mass immigration to Palestine
Jewish mass immigration had increased after Hitler (1889-1945) signed the Haavara agreement in 1933, even many Germans who had a Jew grandparent were viewed as Jews, according to Nazi regulations, thus many Germans immigrated to Palestine. That’s why many of the Knesset members are argued to be of German origins.
Objection of religious Jews to Zionism
From the beginning of political Zionism in the 1890s, the religious Jews, Haredi Jewish leaders voiced their objections to the secular orientation of Zionism. The vast majority of Haredi Jews were opposed to Zionism, and to the establishment of the Jewish state on the Palestinian lands; as they believed that it was forbidden for the Jews to establish a Jewish rule in the Land of Palestine before the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.
Zionists' dream of creating a national state was too strong to listen to the Haredi Jews objections, and they could not wait the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, so they started their reformist Judaism that allowed them to establish their Jewish state. Consequently, there was a major schism between the Zionists and the religious Jews.
The Zionists bloody role in the Holocaust
The mission of the Zionists and Nazi coalition was to force German Jews to accept Zionism and to force them to immigrate to Palestine. Consequently, the concentration camps (1933-1945) were held to punish anti-Zionist Jews. They were placed under the administration of the Sonderkommandos that were mostly run by Zionists, which was a part of the Holocaust. Thus those Zionists were partners in the killings, torturing and burning of their Jewish brothers.
To cover up their crimes they executed the German leaders
After the defeat of Hitler in 1945, the German leaders were convicted and executed after the Nuremberg trials. They executed them, because they did not want them around to testify about the criminal alliance against humanity between Zionists and Nazis, so that the Zionist secret remains safe.
Zionists: Holocaust played an important role in the establishment of Israel
Goerge Steiner, who was a famous Jewish writer, proposed that a statue of Adolf Hitler should be placed in Israel. Steiner sees that, Hitler gave them Israel. Evyatar Friesel, in an article by him published in the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, sees that the Holocaust had a decisive influence on the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948.
Finally, what the world witnesses today of Israeli atrocities; war crimes; burning of children, beheading of babies, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, seems to resemble the human catastrophe that happened in Nazi Germany. Indeed, the connection between Zionists and Nazis is deeper than anyone could imagine.
Sources: › opinions › 2023/12/21 ›