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The US will have enough COVID-19 vaccines for every adult in the country by the end of May, President Joe Biden said Tuesday. 

Speaking at a White House briefing, Biden said when his administration took office, “the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America.”

"We rectified that. About three weeks ago, we were able to say that we'll have enough vaccine supply for adults by the end of July.

"And I'm pleased to announce today, as a consequence of the stepped up process that I’ve ordered and just outlined, this country will have enough vaccine supply, I’ll say it again, for every adult in America by the end of May," he said.

"That's progress, important progress.”

In the opening remarks of his briefing, Biden also announced a "major step forward," saying two of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world that are usually competitors are working together on the vaccine.

"Johnson & Johnson and Merck will work together to expand the production of Johnson & Johnson's vaccine," he said, adding "this is a type of collaboration between companies we saw in World War Il.”

He said Johnson & Johnson is also taking additional actions to safely accelerate vaccine production with its manufacturing facilities now beginning to operate 24/7./aa

Turkish technology enterprise Syntonym addresses one of the biggest concerns of the digital age, providing privacy solutions for companies by anonymizing their data. 

"Visual data is the most important component for developing all high-technology products, from robots to drones to autonomous vehicles," Batuhan Ozcan, the company’s CEO, told Anadolu Agency.

"We founded our initiative because of the need to anonymize visual data without structural and functional loss," Ozcan said.

Touching on smart city projects, which involve processing data collected by cameras and sensors, he noted that there are privacy regulations in several countries such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.

"In addition to this increasing general need for data, the need to protect privacy and personal data in smart cities has become quite important with these regulations," he added.

He said Syntonym meets all requirements with its 'synthetic data sets' solution which enables smart cities with a privacy-oriented approach.

Autonomous vehicles are also recording people with their cameras and using them in providing safe driving, he recalled, noting that his firm contributes to these vehicles.

"Data colleting by these vehicles can pose problems for privacy rules, [so] recordings should be anonymized," he added./aa

The number of domestic terrorism cases has doubled in the past three-and-a-half years, FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Tuesday in a stark warning to lawmakers. 

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Wray said the number of cases "has grown steadily" since he assumed the top spot at the bureau during former President Donald Trump's first year in office.

"We've increased the number of domestic terrorism investigations from around 1,000 or so when I got here, to up to about 1,400 at the end of last year to about 2,000 now," said Wray.

Racially-motivated violent extremism has also "grown significantly" during Wray's tenure. He said the number of white supremacist arrests has roughly tripled since August 2017, while arrests of anarchist violent extremists in 2020 was more than the past three years combined.

Turning to the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol, Wray said the assault was a case of "domestic terrorism."

"It's got no place in our democracy, and tolerating it would make a mockery of our nation's rule of law," he said.

Wray further rejected conspiracy theories that suggest the riot was a false-flag operation carried out by "fake Trump supporters."

Asked about the allegations spread in some circles of former President Donald Trump's supporters that others, including Antifa, were responsible for the violence, Wray said federal investigators "have not seen evidence of that at this stage certainly."

Among those who have been arrested on charges stemming from the attack, Wray said "quite a number" are from militia groups, including individuals who identify with the Proud Boys far-right extremist group and the Oath Keepers militia.

"We also have a couple of instances where we have already identified individuals involved in the criminal behavior who we would put in the racially-motivated violent extremists who advocate for what you would call 'white supremacy,'" Wray said during his first testimony since the Capitol was overrun.

More than 300 individuals have been arrested in on-going investigations by the FBI and local law enforcement agencies. That figure includes dozens of military veterans.

Five people died during the assault, including a Capitol Police officer. Two other law enforcement officers who were present took their lives in the aftermath./aa

Kuwait's central bank announced a stimulus package on Thursday to support vital sectors and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) amid the fallout from the coronavirus epidemic.

The Central Bank of Kuwait has reduced liquidity and capital adequacy requirements for banks and cut risk weighting for SMEs, it said in a statement.

The bank cut capital adequacy requirements by 2.5 per cent and eased the risk weighting for SMEs to 25 per cent from 75 per cent. It also raised the maximum lending limit to 100 per cent from 90 per cent and increased the maximum financing for residential real estate developments to the value of the property or the cost of development.

It said the measures would encourage banks to lend more and help vital sectors and SMEs "overcome the current circumstances".

CBK said it would closely monitor banks to ensure the package meets its intended purpose "and will not hesitate to take further measures to meet the higher interest of the national economy".

On Wednesday, Kuwait announced measures to shore up its economy against the pandemic, including soft long-term loans from local banks, and the central bank asked banks to ease loan repayments for companies affected.

Kuwait, which as of April 1 had registered 317 cases of the new coronavirus, was the first Gulf country to ground all passenger flights and impose a partial curfew to stem the spread of the highly infectious respiratory illness.

Government sources revealed that the Ministry of Health had submitted contracts to the Tender Committee regarding the purchase of "Moderna" and "Johnson" vaccines, pointing out that their arrival in the country will be soon after they are approved and all procedures are completed.

The sources told Al-Qabas that one of the most important reasons for buying "Moderna" is to allocate it to young people who need vaccination, in addition to international recommendations to take "Johnson" due to its effectiveness with the new Corona virus.

On the other hand, sources indicated that the transmission of the virus from people who do not show any symptoms to others, and through gatherings and unexplained contact, caused the entry of large segments of the wards of "Covid 19" and intensive care in public hospitals during the past month, as well as the occurrence of complications and serious setbacks on the The health of some of them, and the death of others.

The sources indicated that 124 deaths due to complications from Corona were recorded in the country during last February, in addition to 25009 injuries, and 102 intensive care cases were entered, compared to 14,388 injuries and 23 deaths in January 2021, 7,592 injuries and 53 deaths in December 2020.

It indicated that last month It is considered the most recorded infection since the outbreak of the virus in the country. In the same context, the sources indicated that the Ministry of Health is currently considering granting the "Oxford" vaccine to those over 65 years of age.

SOURCE: Al-Qabas

The total number of deaths in Kuwait during the year 2020 (the year of Corona) increased by about 40 percent when compared to the total number of deaths in 2019, Al-Rai reported.

By the end of 2020, a total of 11,302 citizens and expats deaths were reported. In 2019, the total number of deaths recorded was 8,072. The number of deaths of both citizens and non-citizens, increased by 3230 in 2020.

According to a statistic published by the daily based on official figures issued by the Funeral Affairs Department in Kuwait Municipality, the deaths among non-Kuwaitis increased by 60.5 percent during 2020.  5380 expats died in 2020.

In terms of deaths among citizens, It increased by 25.46 percent, reaching 5,922 in 2020, compared to 4,720 in 2019./ agencies

Around the world, there were 13,654 earthquakes of magnitude 4 or higher in 2020, the strongest of which was recorded in the US.

Around 500,000 earthquakes, minor or major, occur on Earth every year, about 100,000 of which are felt, while around 100 cause damage.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the most severe earthquake occurred in the US state of Alaska on July 22, 2020, with a magnitude of 7.8.

Experts at the USGS say the reason why more earthquakes are recorded today than in the past is because they receive more seismic station data with the development of technology.

In 1931, there were 350 seismic stations on Earth to record earthquakes, but today this figure is expressed in the thousands.

Earthquakes are divided into three categories: tectonic, volcanic and collapse earthquakes according to their formation, while tectonic tremors stand out as the most destructive type of earthquake in terms of severity and magnitude.

Movements in fractures called faults in the Earth's crust make up close to all earthquakes that occur around the world.


The Pacific earthquake belt, also called the "Pacific Ring of Fire,” is known as the most intense earthquake belt, in which 90% of all earthquakes worldwide and 81% of major ones occur.

The 40-kilometer-long (around 25-mile) "Pacific Ring of Fire," shaped like a "horseshoe," spans the edges of the Pacific Ocean Basin and also contains about 75% of active volcanoes.

In 2020, seven of the nine major earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher occurred in this area.

A 9.5 magnitude earthquake in 1960 in Chile’s Valdivia region is the most destructive earthquake ever recorded so far.

According to the USGS, the second largest earthquake zone where 5%-6% of all earthquakes worldwide and 17% of severe ones occur is the Alpine-Himalayan Belt.

One of the most destructive earthquakes ever occurred in 2004 in Sumatra, Indonesia with a magnitude of 9.1.

North and South America

The Global Earthquake Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) created a map of the world's regional earthquake zones by classifying them according to continents and earthquake magnitudes with data collected from 20 centers it created around the world.

One of the few major earthquake zones located in North America lies on the central coast of Alaska.

South America's most active earthquake zones lie along the continent's Pacific border.

Four of the 10 most powerful earthquakes ever recorded in the world occurred in South America.

Asia and Europe

Earthquake activity in Asia is most intensively observed in Japan.

Countries such as Indonesia, Fiji and the Tonga Islands (east of Australia) also record large numbers of earthquakes each year.

Central Asia is one of the world's major earthquake regions with high fault line mobility.

Northern Europe is located away from major earthquake zones, with the exception of Iceland's zone of active volcanic activity.


Africa has far fewer earthquake zones compared to other continents because it is an old land.

Earthquake activity is recorded in the Sahara, in the central part of the continent.

However, the eastern Mediterranean coast, especially Lebanon, where the Arabian plate borders the Eurasian and African plates, stands out as the most active region.

The area near the Horn of Africa (around the Gulf of Aden) also forms another active area on the continent.

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are known as seismically opposite countries.

The risk of earthquakes in general on the Australian continent is low or moderate, while its small island neighbor New Zealand is among one of the active earthquake zones in the world.


Compared to the other continents, Antarctica exhibits the least seismic activity.

This is because very few of the landmasses on the continent are located at or near the boundary with the continental plates.

The only exception is the zone where the Antarctic (South Pole) plate meets the Scotian plate./aa

Turkey rescued 65 asylum seekers illegally pushed back by Greek authorities into Turkish territorial waters in the Aegean Sea, a security source said Monday.

The Turkish Coast Guard rescued 33 asylum seekers off the coast of Ayvacik in the western Canakkale province, the coast guard said in a statement.

Turkey has repeatedly condemned Greece’s illegal practice of pushing back asylum seekers, saying it violates humanitarian values and international law by endangering the lives of vulnerable migrants, including women and children.

Meanwhile, another 32 irregular migrants were rescued by the Turkish Coast Guard in Bodrum in Turkey’s southwestern Mugla province, according to the provincial coast guard.

In a statement, the governorship said the fight against migrant smuggling and human trafficking will continue.

After routine checks, the migrants were taken to the provincial migration authority.

Turkey has been a key transit point for asylum seekers aiming to cross into Europe to start new lives, especially those fleeing war and persecution.

Small farmers in Kenya have sued the state at a court in the capital Nairobi in a bid to stop a Kenya-UK trade deal.

The farmers, under the banner of Kenya Small Scale Farmer Forum (KSSF), argued that the process of the deal’s ratification is extremely flawed as no public participation was conducted by the Kenyan government before the document was proposed in parliament last week.

“The agreement indicates an open market with heavily subsidized tariffs for the UK farm products like chicken, pigs and maize that have the dangerous potential to destroy local production of the very same products,” the farmers said in a statement.

“Opposition to this agreement also challenges fisheries regulations that will grant large-scale UK fishing trawlers’ access to Kenyan waters without restrictions on declarations on undocumented or unspecified harvesting of fish during large-scale trawling,” they added.

In December, Kenya’s parliament failed to ratify the trade agreement with the UK, calling for a supplementary report on the economic partnership agreement.

Weekly newspaper The EastAfrican reported that according to the deal: “UK goods to the EAC [East African Community] such as crude oil, chalk, vegetable seeds, motor spirit, aviation spirit and petroleum oils will have customs duty progressively abolished for 15 years, starting seven years after the agreement takes effect.”

“The agreement also allows other East African Community member states to enjoy duty-free and quota-free access to the UK market under the Everything-but-Arms (EBA) initiative that was introduced in 2001 under the European Union Generalized Scheme of Preferences.”

Small scale farmers argued that there is a heightened anxiety over Kenya’s actual advantages vis-à-vis the UK’s edge within this trade agreement that draws lines of imbalances and unfair trading./aa

Two UN human rights experts Monday said an international investigation into last year’s poisoning of Alexey Navalny must remain a priority, stressing the urgent need to find the truth about what happened to the Russian opposition figure.

Agnès Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial or arbitrary executions, and Irene Khan, special rapporteur on the protection of freedom of expression, said in a joint statement that such an investigation is needed "to ensure accountability of those responsible."

"The focus of our investigation was really to identify and determine the extent of state responsibilities for this attempted killing," said Callamard, speaking from New York at a hybrid press conference hosted in Geneva.

"It is our conclusion that Russia is responsible for the attempted arbitrary killing of Mr. Navlany," she added.

The experts said they believe Navalny's poisoning with Novichok might have been deliberately carried out to send a "clear, sinister warning" that this would be the fate of anyone who would criticize and oppose the government.

"Novichok was precisely chosen to cause fear," they said.

Asked about the safety of Navalny since he was recently transferred to a prison colony, Khan said from Geneva: "Mr. Navalny is a Russian citizen, in Russia under the control of the government, and therefore it is their responsibility to ensure that he remains safe."

The two experts published an official letter sent to Russian authorities in December, following a four-month investigation into Navalny's poisoning in August.


The letter was made public after the end of a 60-day confidentiality clause, but the government in Russia has yet to respond, they said.

The experts cited how toxicology tests conducted in Germany, France, Sweden, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found that Navalny was poisoned with a novel form of the Novichok nerve agent.

It was of the type developed initially by the Soviet Union and then by Russia, and only the Russian state is known to have manufactured the poison.

"The availability of Novichok and the expertise required in handling it and in developing a novel form such as that found in Mr. Navalny's samples could only be found within and amongst State actors," the UN experts said.

The experts detailed the evidence pointing to government officials' likely involvement in the poisoning, presumably at a high level.

Navalny was under intensive government surveillance at the time of the attempted killing, making it unlikely any third party could have administered such a banned chemical without the knowledge of Russian authorities, the letter said.

"The use of Novichok violates Russia's commitments under the Chemical Weapons Convention. It was meant to kill Mr. Navalny and, as such, constitutes a violation of the prohibition against arbitrary killings.

"Due to the physical pain and suffering inflicted on the victim, it may well amount to a form of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

The experts found that the attack against Navalny falls into a broader trend, observed over several decades, of arbitrary killings and attempted killings of Russian citizens and government critics, both inside Russia and abroad.

"The Government cannot escape its obligations under international human rights law by denying responsibility for the act itself. Even in the unlikely event that a third party could somehow have committed this act, Russia would have failed in its obligation to protect the life of Mr. Navalny against such non-state actors."/aa