Turkish scientists are seeking to use bacteria to strengthen the flooring and extend the life span of historical buildings.
Scientists discovered that the bacteria, Viridibacillus Arenosi, produces enzymes that fill up soil -- making it stick together.
A team of scientists from various universities found out that the bacteria increased the strength of the ground making it suitable for construction. It also strengthens concrete.
Harun Akoguz, who has been researching the issue for seven years at the Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, said this was a low-cost method to extend the life of old or historical structures.
This latest discovery will contribute to the construction industry both economically and scientifically, Hakan Yalciner, the chair of the Civil Engineering Department at the same university, told Anadolu Agency.
This method uses bacteria easily available in nature in the ground, he said, adding that it can also be used to repair cracks in reinforced concrete structures, he added.
"So, we consider this development important and innovative," he added./aa
“Israeli” police on Friday detained three Palestinians after Friday prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem.
After prayers, a brawl broke out between the Palestinians trying to leave the Old City and “Israeli” police at the Lion's Gate of the mosque compound.
“Israeli” police said in a statement that some Palestinians threw stones at police guarding the compound causing slight injuries to a policewoman.
Two suspects who were throwing stones were detained at Bab Hutta (Forgiveness Gate) of the flashpoint mosque and another was detained at Bab al-Sahira (Herod's Gate).
Separately, a demonstration was held in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem against the possible forcible eviction of Palestinian families.
In April, an “Israeli” court ruled to evict eight Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in favor of settlement groups, triggering tensions across the Palestinian territories.
“Israeli” authorities, however, postponed giving a final decision on the eviction orders till December due to Palestinian mass protests, an 11-day escalation between “Israel” and Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza, and international pressure./aa
Despite more than two billion vaccine doses against COVID-19 given worldwide, the World Health Organization recommended Friday that people keep wearing masks to help prevent the transmission of coronavirus.
"The vaccines we have are very good at preventing severe disease, or death, if you get infected with the virus," WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris told journalists at a UN briefing in Geneva when asked why people should continue wearing masks despite being vaccinated or having had COVID-19 in the past.
The WHO says that some 2.16 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with more than 174 million confirmed cases of the virus and almost 3.8 million deaths recorded.
"What we want is to reduce the transmission. And we don't know that the vaccines can prevent the transmission," said Harris.
"So, wearing your mask is about preventing the transmission where you're in close contact, or where you're in crowds, or where you're in a confined space, and you can't get out of that confined space."
Scientists do not know whether somebody who is vaccinated can still have the virus and still transmit it, while they need to learn more about different variants.
"We want to limit every opportunity for any of the variants to transmit themselves," said Harris.
She said wearing the mask and following all the other public health measures, avoiding crowds and closed spaces, doing everything people can to be outside, and really ventilating the room are needed.
Harris said scientists do not know whether the vaccines can help bring down the transmission.
"We think they do help, but that they will not do everything. So that's why we asked you to do the other things."/aa
Turkish sea-cleaning teams have so far collected over 733 cubic meters (25,886 cubic feet) of mucilage from the Sea of Marmara over the past three days, officials said on Friday.
"We are working on a 24/7 basis with all our teams to save our Sea of Marmara from visual pollution and bad odor," Environment and Urbanization Minister Murat Kurum said on Twitter.
Noting that efforts under a recent action plan to clear the sea of the substance, also known as "sea snot," were ongoing at 52 locations, Kurum said that a total of 733.1 cubic meters of mucilage had been sent to disposal, including 341.1 cubic meters collected and sent for disposal on Thursday.
"We continued to clean our Sea of Marmara by collecting a total of 733.1 cubic meters of mucilage, including 174.6 cubic meters in Istanbul, 77.5 in Kocaeli, 63 in Bursa, 28 in Tekirdag, 114 in Balikesir, 118 in Canakkale and 158 cubic meters in Yalova," he added.
Turkish authorities on Sunday announced the 22-point Marmara Sea Action Plan to clear a recent surge in mucilage covering the surface of parts of the Sea of Marmara in the country's northwest./aa
Occupied Palestine
Yossi Cohen, the outgoing head of “Israel's” Mossad, has revealed shocking details about the operations carried out by the spy agency against the Iranian nuclear project and top scientist.
Cohen, in a rare interview, spoke to “Israeli” news Channel 12 a week after rendering his resignation. Usually, Mossad chiefs wait for years to speak to the media after retirement.
He hinted that the Mossad blew up an underground Iranian centrifuge facility in the Iranian city of Natanz.
"The centrifuges used to spin,” he said.
“It no longer looks like it did?” journalist Ilhan Dayan asked.
“Indeed,” said Cohen.
The former spy chief further said: “We say very clearly [to Iran]: 'We won’t let you get nuclear weapons. What don’t you understand?'”
In April, a power failure occurred at the Natanz nuclear facility near capital Tehran a day after the Islamic Republic unveiled new advanced uranium centrifuges.
Cohen described a 2018 operation in which the Mossad stole Iran's nuclear archive from safes in a warehouse in Tehran.
He went on to say that, Mossad had been closely watching Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh for years, but did not claim responsibility for his assassination.
In November 2020, unidentified gunmen on the outskirts of Tehran killed Iran’s top nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh. Most Iranian officials held “Israel” responsible for the killing, vowing a fierce response.
"If a man poses a danger to the citizens of “Israel”, he must be eliminated," Cohen said. "However, if he mends his ways and does not pose us harm any longer, then he would be spared."
Cohen denied the assumption that Iran is closer than ever to possessing a nuclear weapon, saying: "That’s not true."/aa
In a first, a mosque in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul has received the Gold-level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, a widely used international green building rating system.
Istanbul Airport's Ali Kuscu Mosque has been recognized as the world's first Gold-level LEED certificate mosque by the US Green Building Council (USGBC).
In a Friday statement, IGA, the company running Istanbul Airport, said it earned the council's LEED Gold v4 certificate for Building Design and Construction.
The council evaluates buildings on criteria such as water efficiency, sustainability, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation, location and transportation, and integrative processes.
All energy-consuming systems in the mosque were inspected, and it was determined that they were in line with the targeted performance criteria during both assembly and use.
Energy efficiency was prioritized in the lighting and mechanical systems used in the mosque, and its design enables it to make the most of daylight.
Meanwhile, most of the mosque’s construction waste was recycled, while all domestic and recyclable wastes produced during the construction were regularly monitored.
Buildings meeting the standards get silver, gold, or platinum certificates based on their scores on the various criteria.
Since 1998, LEED has revolutionized the marketplace as the world’s premier benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings./aa
Over 2.3 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines have been given worldwide so far, figures compiled by Our World in Data, a tracking website, showed on Friday.
China leads the global count with over 845.3 million jabs, followed by the US with 305.69 million.
India has administered 246.9 million shots, Brazil 75.89 million, the UK 69.74 million, Germany 59.4 million, France 42.54 million, Italy 40.5 million, and Mexico 36.16 million.
Turkey ranks 10th on the list with over 32.6 million doses given, followed by Russia, Spain, Indonesia, and Canada.
The country with the most doses administered by population is the East African island nation of Seychelles, with 139.51 doses per 100 people.
Most COVID-19 vaccines are administered in two doses, so the number of shots given is not the same as the number of individuals fully vaccinated.
Since December 2019, the pandemic has claimed over 3.77 million lives in 192 countries and regions, with more than 174.93 million cases reported worldwide, according to the US Johns Hopkins University.
The US, India, and Brazil remain the worst-hit countries in terms of the number of infections and deaths./aa
Although slavery was abolished and much progress has been made for the First Nations and all minority groups in these countries, the ideology of white supremacy and the danger of white violence are still very much with us today
By: Didem Kaya-Bayram*
Just a few days ago, a white man killed a Muslim family in Ontario Canada. Though widely reported as a singular incident not connected to any other recent or historical acts of violence, it was in fact the latest in a long series of ideologically-driven white supremacist violence. The most immediate connection that springs to mind, also from Canada, is the horrifying discovery of an unmarked mass grave in which are buried at least 215 indigenous children who had perished at the hands of white supremacists.
The remains of these 215 children were discovered at a site that used to house Canada’s biggest residential school for indigenous children. It was run by the Catholic Church from the 1890s through the 1970s, until the federal government shut it down. These latest reports on the mass graves are part of a twenty-year effort by Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nations people in order to find the missing children in many of the unmarked mass graves at former school sites such as Kamloops. Between 1883 and 1996, around 150,000 children passed through the Canadian version of this system, which was eventually abolished. Thousands of unaccounted-for children have yet to be found. They were never seen again by their families. When pressed for answers, the schools would tell families that their children had died, run away or simply disappeared, and they would generally refuse to return the body in case of death.
The brand of hatred that has motivated white people to assault Muslims in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe is intimately connected to the ideology that created the “Indian boarding school system” in the US and Canada. Indian boarding schools were part of America’s and Canada’s so-called “civilizing mission”. They were the quintessential example of how white supremacy had been at the heart of both of these countries since the earliest days of their founding, rather than being a marginal, radical, and fringe ideology. European settlers wanted to civilize these “savages”, seeing their own Anglo-Saxon Christian culture as vastly superior to the many different tribal languages and cultural practices that the indigenous peoples had.
Richard Henry Pratt, an American general, had captured a group of indigenous men as prisoners of war. He taught them how to speak, read and write English, dressed them in military uniforms and trained them to do labor. He photographed the results of this assimilation experiment and presented them to the federal government. This is how he was able to secure funding for the first Indian American boarding school, set up to “kill the Indian and save the man,” as Pratt called it. The schools quickly spread across the US and other colonial countries like Australia, New Zealand, and, of course, Canada.
With the aid of Christian missionaries, the Canadian and American governments forcibly removed thousands of indigenous children from their families and made them attend these schools, where speaking indigenous languages and their cultural traditions and spiritual practices were prohibited. Children who did not comply with the rules were subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as violence. According to some eyewitness accounts, priests, for example, would rape students, and when they got pregnant and gave birth, the babies would be killed, in some cases brutally by being burned in furnaces.
Indigenous children were forced to cut their braids, a very important part of their culture. Their names were changed. As punishment for speaking in their native language, some were forced to wash their mouths with soap, as if to imply that their mother tongues were dirty.
In his account of the incidents, a survivor of one of these schools said that braids were a token of mourning in his tribal culture, and they were cut only when a relative died; the closer the relative, the closer the cut to the head. When the missionaries cut almost all of his hair, he was left wondering whether his mother had died.
Boarding schools proved to be a very effective strategy in harming native family networks, culture, and way of life, by targeting the most valuable members of these communities: the children. Many children forgot their mother tongues almost completely, so they were unable to communicate with their families. While assimilating children, governments continued to steal land from the First Nations. If a native family refused to send their children to these schools, they were threatened with imprisonment or the loss of much-needed food rations. Some families were seen camping outside these schools just to be closer to their children. Many children were reported trying to run away, but even if they succeeded, their families and tribes were located too far away from these schools, making it practically impossible for them to reunite.
The National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, set up by the Canadian government, heard thousands of witness testimonies over the course of six years. The commission released a report in 2015 with the conclusion that the Indian residential school system was a form of cultural genocide. They also requested the Pope to issue a formal apology, which he did not do.
The indigenous activism that peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, along with the civil rights movement in the US, campaigned for the closure of these schools in the US. During the same time period, most of the Canadian boarding schools also closed.
As the boarding school era came to an end, white supremacy morphed into a new systematic form of oppression: the Indian adoption project, a government program that promoted the adoption of native American children by white families. This was a cheaper way to assimilate indigenous people than running boarding schools. It was claimed that these indigenous children, dubbed “the forgotten children”, were not wanted by their own families. The truth, however, was far from that. These children were ripped apart from their families based on shady reports prepared by the social services about child neglect, unfit parenting, or even a household with too many people.
The last one was particularly strange because extended family was a big part of many indigenous cultures. As a result, hundreds of children were placed with white families, and some of them later in life reported that they had been physically, verbally and sexually abused by these adoptive and foster families. After many years of activism, the Indian Child Welfare Act was passed in the US in 1977, finally preventing the removal of Indian children from their families unless absolutely necessary, and when such a case arises, the child is placed with their extended family if possible or another indigenous family. To this day, some conservative white families oppose this act.
When the mass grave was discovered earlier this month, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that it was a chapter in a dark history of his country. One of the biggest lies about violence against indigenous people in Canada and the US is that it is a historical truth, while, in actuality, it is a present reality with a history. These kinds of statements just serve to reinforce the false notion that white violence is a thing of the past, if at all acknowledged.
White supremacy and white violence are neither from the past, nor are they marginal. The US and Canada were both built by slave labor on stolen indigenous lands. Although slavery was abolished and much progress has been made for the First Nations and all minority groups in these countries, the ideology of white supremacy and the danger of white violence are still very much with us today, as evidenced by recent events such as the murder of a Muslim family and the discovery of a mass grave./aa
**The author received her BA in American Studies from Yale University and her MA in Science Technology Society Studies from Istanbul Technical University. She has spent the last five years with TRT as a digital content and strategy specialist.
* Opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of al-Mujtama.
The leaders of the world’s richest economies and three guest countries convened in Cornwall, England on Friday for the G7 summit.
The summit is being held for the 47th time under high-level security measures and coronavirus precautions.
US President Joe Biden is among the leaders as he is paying his first overseas visit since he was inaugurated in January.
Other leaders attending the summit hosted by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson include French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, and European Council President Charles Michel.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa are also attending the summit as guests. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was also invited, is expected to attend the summit via videoconference due to COVID-19 crisis in his country.
The summit is being held in Corbis Bay, a village in Cornwall, which is under very strict protection by British security personnel, including some navy units and Special Air Service commandoes.
The main items on agenda will be ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, global geopolitical risks and climate change.
The meetings will be held behind closed doors and the event will be followed by restricted number of journalists because of the COVID-19 restrictions which prohibit large gatherings.
The summit will end with a final communique on Sunday before the leaders will leave the UK for Brussels for a NATO summit which is due on Monday./aa
Turkey’s president chaired a meeting late Thursday at the Presidential Complex in the capital discussing solutions to the mucilage problem in the Sea of Marmara.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan said authorities have intensified inspections at all sewage and solid waste facilities while examining developments at sea.
An academic committee formed by the country’s Higher Education Council took part in the meeting to discuss scientific solutions to the problem.
Erdogan listened to its proposed solutions and recalled the latest measures taken against the problem of increasing mucilage.
The committee released a final declaration evaluating the academic studies on solutions to the problem.
Increasing temperatures, oxygen depletion, the acidification of oceans, terrestrial inputs (sewage water, food elements), overfishing, pollution, invading species and maritime activities are among the main causes of the excessive mucilage, said the declaration.
It said the phenomenon occurred because single-celled organisms reacted to changing environmental conditions by discharging their intracellular organic liquids more and/or faster than normal.
Among the changes in the environmental conditions were increasing population density in the region, exposure to domestic or industrial wastes, loss of habitat and increasing sea temperatures due to climate change, it added.
Concerning the results of the phenomenon, the declaration explained that mucilage, which is rich in various pollutants, goes down to the sea bottom and disrupts the structure of the benthic flora and fauna, limiting the lives of the creatures living there.
While increasing the rate of accumulation of heavy metals within the mucilage mass formed, it is also expected to decrease the level of oxygen in the Sea of Marmara.
As for the solution, the academics highlighted the importance of prioritizing the health of the sea ecosystem in the planning of activities in the Sea of Marmara.
“The ecology of the Sea of Marmara has lost its durability and has become vulnerable to external factors,” the declaration noted.
It added that risks such as harmful algae, jellyfish overgrowth and hydrogen sulfide formation are also present in the Sea of Marmara.
Underlining the significance of holistic approaches, the declaration proposed that “the entire surrounding of the Sea of Marmara should be declared a protection zone within a certain plan.”
It noted that while ensuring that sewage water does not return to the sea after treatment and is instead used for irrigation, inputs of terrestrial origin should be deeply discharged after undergoing advanced biological treatment.
Determining the temporal and spatial distribution of mucilage, reactive oxygen dosing with mobile platforms on the Marmara coast should be investigated, it said.
It further noted that integration of existing treatment plants with advanced treatment technologies should be ensured and a monitoring committee should be established.
Mucilage, also known colloquially as “sea snot,” is the overgrowth of microscopic algae called phytoplankton. The thick, mucus-like slimy layer contains a variety of microorganisms and is caused by rising seawater temperatures due to global warming, stagnant water and pollution.
The 22-point action plan to clear the recent surge in mucilage will be jointly carried out by the Environment and Urbanization Ministry, Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry and Agriculture and Forestry Ministry.
The Health Ministry, Interior Ministry, related institutions, NGOs and coastal municipalities under the coordination of governorships are also taking part./aa