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McKenzie Sadeghi,

The claim: Image shows conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter

A viral image shared to Facebook purports to show the convergence of Jupiter and Saturn, in which the two planets appeared closer to each other than they have in centuries.

"Best photo I have seen of the conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn taken from an observatory in Chile," reads a Dec. 23 Facebook post with over 700 shares. Accompanying the text is an alleged photo of the phenomenon that credits @gm_astrophotography.

USA TODAY reached out to the Facebook user and the @gm_astrophotography account on Instagram for comment.

Special effect added to image

The account @gm_astrophotography originally shared the image on Dec. 21 and provided an explanation behind it.

"This is what the conjunction looks like through my small 72mm refractor telescope," the account wrote along with a series of images from the conjunction. "Notice the colorful defraction spikes coming from the planets. They are unique in the fact that defraction spikes can differ depending on the shape and size of the planet!"

Diffraction spikes in astrophotography are "artifacts" that show on images of brighter stars where beams of light run through an obstacle on the camera lens and are bent, causing the light to spread out to capture a better image of the sky, according to Photographing Space. Said another way, in an image of a star or planet, they are the straight beams of light that point out in four directions from the object.

The Instagram user explained that the conjunction image of Saturn and Jupiter each with prominent spikes was captured by using tape and rubber bands stretched across the front of the refractor in a symmetrical pattern of a plain cross to add "something a little extra to the image."

The account owner added in the comments that the photo was taken in Massachusetts — not at an observatory in Chile, as claimed by the Facebook user.

What was the conjunction?

The last time Jupiter and Saturn came this close was in 1623. The conjunction peaked on Dec. 21, however, the planets appeared closer than the diameter of a full moon until Dec. 25, USA TODAY reported.

The two planets had already been moving closer to each other throughout 2020, and while the gas giants appear close, they are still millions of miles apart in space reality, according to Night Sky Network.

"Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another," Rice University astronomer Patrick Hartigan.told USA TODAY earlier this month.

Our rating: True

The image claiming to show the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is real, rated as TRUE, based on our research. The image shows the conjunction on its peak night; a photography technique using a symmetrical pattern adds a special effect to the image. The photo was taken from Massachusetts. Claims that state the image was made at an observatory in Chile are partly false.


That possibility is at the heart of an ambitious new study of exercise and mortality. The study, one of the largest and longest-term experimental examinations to date of exercise and mortality, shows that older men and women who exercise in almost any fashion are relatively unlikely to die prematurely. But if some of that exercise is intense, the study also finds, the risk of early mortality declines even more, and the quality of people’s lives climbs.

Scientists have known for some time, of course, that active people tend also to be long-lived people. According to multiple past studies, regular exercise is strongly associated with greater longevity, even if the exercise amounts to only a few minutes a week.

But almost all of these studies have been observational, meaning they looked at people’s lives at a moment in time, determined how much they moved at that point, and later checked to see whether and when they passed away. Such studies can pinpoint associations between exercise and life spans, but they cannot prove that moving actually causes people to live longer, only that activity and longevity are linked.

To find out if exercise directly affects life spans, researchers would have to enroll volunteers in long-term, randomized controlled trials, with some people exercising, while others work out differently or not at all. The researchers then would have to follow all of these people for years, until a sufficiently large number died to allow for statistical comparisons of the groups.

Such studies, however, are dauntingly complicated and expensive, one reason they are rarely done. They may also be limited, since over the course of a typical experiment, few adults may die. This is providential for those who enroll in the study but problematic for the scientists hoping to study mortality; with scant deaths, they cannot tell if exercise is having a meaningful impact on life spans.

Those obstacles did not deter a group of exercise scientists at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, however. With colleagues from other institutions, they had been studying the impacts of various types of exercise on heart disease and fitness and felt the obvious next step was to look at longevity. So, almost 10 years ago, they began planning the study that would be published in October in The BMJ.

Their first step was to invite every septuagenarian in Trondheim to participate. Mortality studies involving older people are the most likely to return useful data, the scientists reasoned, since, realistically, there will be more deaths among the elderly than the young, making it possible to compare differences in longevity between study groups.

More than 1,500 of the Norwegian men and women accepted. These volunteers were, in general, healthier than most 70-year-olds. Some had heart disease, cancer or other conditions, but most regularly walked or otherwise remained active. Few were obese. All agreed to start and continue to exercise more regularly during the upcoming five years.

The scientists tested everyone’s current aerobic fitness as well as their subjective feelings about the quality of their lives and then randomly assigned them to one of three groups. The first, as a control, agreed to follow standard activity guidelines and walk or otherwise remain in motion for half an hour most days. (The scientists did not feel they could ethically ask their control group to be sedentary for five years.)

Another group began exercising moderately for longer sessions of 50 minutes twice a week. And the third group started a program of twice-weekly high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, during which they cycled or jogged at a strenuous pace for four minutes, followed by four minutes of rest, with that sequence repeated four times.

Almost everyone kept up their assigned exercise routines for five years, an eternity in science, returning periodically to the lab for check-ins, tests and supervised group workouts. During that time, the scientists noted that quite a few of the participants in the control had dabbled with interval-training classes at local gyms, on their own initiative and apparently for fun. The other groups did not alter their routines.

After five years, the researchers checked death registries and found that about 4.6% of all of the original volunteers had passed away during the study, a lower number than in the wider Norwegian population of 70-year-olds, indicating these active older people were, on the whole, living longer than others of their age.

But they also found interesting, if slight, distinctions between the groups. The men and women in the high-intensity-intervals group were about 2% less likely to have died than those in the control group, and 3% less likely to die than anyone in the longer, moderate-exercise group. People in the moderate group were, in fact, more likely to have passed away than people in the control group.

The men and women in the interval group also were more fit now and reported greater gains in their quality of life than the other volunteers.

In essence, says Dorthe Stensvold, a researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology who led the new study, intense training — which was part of the routines of both the interval and control groups — provided slightly better protection against premature death than moderate workouts alone.

Of course, exercise was not a panacea, she adds. Some people still sickened and died, whatever their workout program. (No one died while exercising.) This study also focused on Norwegians, who tend to be preternaturally healthy, and most of us, perhaps regrettably, are not Norwegians. We also may not yet be in our 70s.

But Stensvold believes the study’s message can be broadly applicable to almost all of us. “We should try to include some exercise with high intensity,” she says. “Intervals are safe and feasible for most people. And adding life to years, not only years to life, is an important aspect of healthy aging, and the higher fitness and health-related quality of life from HIIT in this study is an important finding.”

The New York Times.

Michael Lam

Pretend you’re a perfectly flat chess piece in a game of chess on a perfectly flat and humongous chessboard. One day you look around and ask: How did I get here? How did the chessboard get here? How did it all start? You pull out your telescope and begin to explore your universe, the chessboard….

What do you find? Your universe, the chessboard, is getting bigger. And over more time, even bigger! The board is expanding in all directions that you can see. There’s nothing that seems to be causing this expansion as far as you can tell – it just seems to be the nature of the chessboard.

However, wait a minute. If it’s getting bigger, and has been getting bigger and bigger, then that means in the past, it must have been smaller and smaller and smaller. At some time, long, long ago, at the very beginning, it must have been so small that it was infinitely small.

Let’s work forward from what happened then. At the beginning of your universe, the chessboard was infinitely tiny and then expanded, growing bigger and bigger until the day that you decided to make some observations about the nature of your chess universe. All the stuff in the universe – the little particles that make up you and everything else – started very close together and then spread farther apart as time went on.

Our universe works exactly the same way. When astronomers like me make observations of distant galaxies, we see that they are all moving apart. It seems our universe started very small and has been expanding ever since. In fact, scientists now know that not only is the universe expanding, but the speed at which it’s expanding is increasing. This mysterious effect is caused by something physicists call dark energy, though we know very little else about it.

Astronomers also observe something called the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. It’s a very low level of energy that exists all throughout space. We know from those measurements that our universe is 13.8 billion years old – way, way older than people, and about three times older than the Earth.

If astronomers look back all the way to the event that started our universe, we call that the Big Bang.

Many people hear the name “Big Bang” and think about a giant explosion of stuff, like a bomb going off. But the Big Bang wasn’t an explosion that destroyed things. It was the beginning of our universe, the start of both space and time. Rather than an explosion, it was a very rapid expansion, the event that started the universe growing bigger and bigger.

This expansion is different than an explosion, which can be caused by things like chemical reactions or large impacts. Explosions result in energy going from one place to another, and usually a lot of it. Instead, during the Big Bang, energy moved along with space as it expanded, moving around wildly but becoming more spread out over time since space was growing over time.

Back in the chessboard universe, the “Big Bang” would be like the beginning of everything. It’s the start of the board getting bigger.

It’s important to realize that “before” the Big Bang, there was no space and there was no time. Coming back to the chessboard analogy, you can count the amount of time on the game clock after the start but there is no game time before the start – the clock wasn’t running. And, before the game had started, the chessboard universe hadn’t existed and there was no chessboard space either. You have to be careful when you say “before” in this context because time didn’t even exist until the Big Bang.

You also have wrap your mind around the idea that the universe isn’t expanding “into” anything, since as far as we know the Big Bang was the start of both space and time. Confusing, I know!

Astronomers aren’t sure what caused the Big Bang. We just look at observations and see that’s how the universe did start. We know it was extremely small and got bigger, and we know that kicked off 13.8 billion years ago.

What started our own game of chess? That’s one of the deepest questions anyone can ask./ The conversation

SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - India's government detained at least 75 Kashmiri political leaders and activists to forestall political unrest after an alliance of Kashmir's regional political parties won a local election, leaders and a police official said on Saturday.

The District Council election, concluded early this week, was the first such exercise since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government last year revoked the special status of the Muslim-majority, Indian-controlled region. New Delhi then cracked down on the opposition and rounded up hundreds of people to preempt protests and violence.


The new detentions, including separatist leaders and members of the banned Jamat-e-Islami group, were for preventive custody, said a senior police official, who asked not to be identified in line with official policy.

India and Pakistan have claimed all of the Kashmir region since the partition of British-ruled India into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu-majority India in 1947. Two of the three wars they have fought have been over the Himalayan region.

The detentions undermine the verdict of the people, said Imran Nabi Dar, spokesman for the National Conference, a regional party and a key member of the alliance.

The alliance's victory shows that Kashmiris have not accepted Modi's decision to end Kashmir's special status, said Omar Abdullah, a former chief minister and head of the National Conference.

After their release from lengthy detention, Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti, chief of the Jammu and Kashmir People's Democratic Party, announced the alliance in October to seek a peaceful restoration of Kashmir's autonomy.

A boat accident on Lake Albert on the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo has left at least 26 people dead.

A "strong wind" caused the vessel to go under water, a local official told AFP news agency.

Dozens of people were on board and at least 21 people were rescued, Ashraf Oromo said.


A marine officer said poor safety and fast-changing weather meant accidents were common on the lake.

The boat was travelling between two locations on the Ugandan side on Wednesday when strong winds blew up and it capsized.

Rescuers did not expect to find any more survivors, Mr Oromo said. However, local media quoted the chief of the locality who suggested that the search was ongoing

Both Congolese and Ugandan nationals were on the boat and were among the victims, Mr Tchovidong said.


"Because of failure to adhere to safety measures and fast-changing weather patterns, Lake Albert has many accidents," regional police marine officer Samuel Onyango told AFP.

One official said that many of the victims were trying to return illegally to the Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) to avoid the coronavirus restrictions that have stopped most traffic between the DRC and Uganda, according to the Associated Press news agency.

BIHAC, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Hundreds of migrants were stranded Saturday in a squalid, burnt-out tent camp in Bosnia as heavy snow fell in the country and winter temperatures suddenly dropped.

Migrants at the Lipa camp in northwest Bosnia wrapped themselves in blankets and sleeping bags to protect against the biting winds in the region, which borders European Union member Croatia.

A fire earlier this week destroyed much of the camp near the town of Bihac that already was harshly criticized by international officials and aid groups as being inadequate for housing refugees and migrants.


Despite the fire, Bosnian authorities have failed to find new accommodations for the migrants at Lipa, leaving around 1,000 people stuck in the cold, with no facilities or heat, eating only meager food parcels provided by aid groups.

"Snow has fallen, sub-zero temperatures, no heating, nothing," the International Organization for Migration’s chief of mission in Bosnia, Peter Van Der Auweraert, tweeted. “This is not how anyone should live. We need political bravery and action now.”

Bosnia has become a bottleneck for thousands of migrants hoping to reach Western Europe. Most are stuck in Bosnia’s northwest Krajina region as other areas in the ethnically divided nation have refused to accept them. The EU has warned Bosnia that thousands of migrants face a freezing winter without shelter, and it has urged the country’s bickering politicians to set aside their differences and take action.

On Saturday, migrants crowded at the camp to receive water and food provided by Bosnia's Red Cross as police sought to maintain order. Some migrants wore face shields to protect them from coronavirus.

“We are living like animals. Even animals are living better than us!" said a man from Pakistan who identified himself only by his first name, Kasim. “If they not help us, we will die, so please help us.”

Plans to relocate the migrants temporarily to a closed facility in central Bihac have prompted protests by residents.

Left without a solution, migrants put down carboard on the floor and set up improvised barriers for privacy inside the only standing tent at the Lipa camp. Some people held their wet feet above the small fires that migrants lit outside to warm up, while others wrapped up tight in blankets for warmth. Many migrants were wearing sneakers despite the snow.

To get to Croatia, migrants often use illegal routes over a mountainous area along the border. Many have complained of violence and pushbacks by the Croatian police.

Several people were injured in a shooting in Berlin in the early hours of Saturday,  German emergency services said.

Unidentified assailants fled the scene following the shooting in the Kreuzberg district of the German capital, according to police, who said four people were hospitalised with serious injuries. 

“Emergency medical services, including three emergency doctors and a head emergency doctor cared for three seriously injured people and transported them to hospitals for further treatment,” the Berlin fire service said in a tweet, without providing further detail.


A manhunt was underway, according to state broadcaster Deutsche Welle, with armed police deployed to the area to search for  shooters while a police helicopter circled overhead. 

The outlet reported that an injured man was pulled from a canal after jumping in to try to escape the shooting.

Police also searched the nearby Mockernbrucke subway station.

A photographer for German press agency DPA said the incident occurred near the offices of the centre-left Social Democratic Party.

"The motive is not yet known,"a police spokesperson told DPA. "We also do not yet know how many people were involved."/ Telegraph

(Reuters) - Iran executed an ethnic Baluch militant on Saturday for the shooting death of two Revolutionary Guards five years ago, the judiciary’s official news website Mizan reported.

It said Abdulhamid Mir Baluchzehi, known as Owais, one of the perpetrators of the 2015 operation, “was hanged this morning after legal procedures” in Zahedan in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province.

It said Mir Baluchzehi was a principle members of the Sunni extremist group Jaish al-Adl, or the Army of Justice, and was charged with “armed action against the country and membership in anti-regime groups.”

The impoverished Sistan-Baluchestan province, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, has long been the scene of frequent clashes between security forces and Sunni militants and drug smugglers. The population of the province is predominantly Sunni Muslim, while most Iranians are Shi'ite.

Jaish al-Adl, which says it seeks greater rights and better living conditions for ethnic minority Baluchis, has claimed responsibility for several attacks in recent years on Iranian security forces in the province.

A major historical landmark known as Beit-al-Ajaib, the House of Wonders in Zanzibar, Tanzania has partially collapsed, local media reported Saturday.

Constructed in 1883, the historical building in Stone Town attracted tourists from around the world.

Listed as a World Heritage site since 2000, the monument was undergoing restoration at a cost of 10 billion shillings ($4.3 million), funded by Oman's government, local daily The Citizen reported.

Four people were rescued from the debris Friday evening and taken to the hospital after the building collapsed, according to the report.

"The accident is a huge loss to tourism in the Isles because over 80% of tourists coming to Zanzibar were attracted by the House of Wonders in the Stone Town," The Citizen quoted Tourism and Antiquities Minister Lela Mohamed Mussa as commenting on the incident.

An initial investigation found alleged incompetence on the part of the contractor in charge of the 19th-century structure's restoration. "The project will continue to re-construct a similar building because sketches and drawings are available," Mussa was quoted as saying.

Stressing the importance of the building, she went on to say: "It is a huge blow. That is why the whole top government leaders were at the scene shortly after the accident."

In a statement, the Zanzibar Tourism Ministry said the building was at the heart of tourism activities in the semi-autonomous archipelago.

Meanwhile, the Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center, Mechtild Rossler said they were in contact with the Stone Town Conservation and Development Authority which is currently carrying out rescue operations and will soon be starting a preliminary assessment of the damage caused by the collapse.

In a statement, she added: "We have confidence that the authorities will carry out the necessary emergency actions and assessments to understand the causes of this damage and propose solutions for the safeguarding of this monument which is an essential component contributing to the Outstanding Universal Value of the site. UNESCO stands ready to support the ongoing efforts and we are with the United Republic of Tanzania in facing this disaster."

- History of Beit-al-Ajaib

The House of Wonders is one of six palaces built by Barghash bin Said, the second Sultan of Zanzibar, in 1883 and is located on the site of the 17th-century palace of Zanzibari queen Fatuma. It also houses the Museum of History and Culture of Zanzibar and the Swahili Coast.

The building was intended as a ceremonial palace and official reception hall. It was named the House of Wonders because it was the first building in Zanzibar to have electricity, and also the first building in East Africa to have an elevator./aa

Pakistan on Saturday rejected the Indian prime minister's claim of democracy in Jammu and Kashmir and termed it "preposterous and fallacious."

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said the RSS-BJP (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh-Bharatiya Janata Party) brand of democracy only means the muzzling of the Kashmiri voice and will, under the bayonets of Indian army guns.

"The 'new chapter' that the RSS-BJP regime is writing in IIOJK is one marked by brutal military siege since 5 August 2019, egregious violations of human rights in the occupied territory, and untold sufferings for the Kashmiri people," the ministry said.

Addressing an event in Kashmir through video link on Saturday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that development of Jammu and Kashmir is his government's top priority, adding the recent District Development Council elections were conducted in a transparent manner.

Modi termed the elections a new chapter, saying it showed the strength of India's democracy, according to All India Radio.

However, Islamabad said India should end its illegal occupation and meet its obligation of holding a plebiscite, allowing the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

On Wednesday, a multi-party coalition that opposed India's decision to unilaterally strip Jammu and Kashmir of its special autonomy won the district council elections in the restive Himalayan region.

The alliance was formed on the eve of Aug. 5 last year when India abrogated Article 370 and Article 35A, which granted the Muslim-majority region special autonomy and prevented outsiders from buying property or taking government employment. Most of its leaders were jailed or placed under house arrest.

Disputed Region

Kashmir, a Muslim-majority Himalayan region, is held by India and Pakistan in parts and claimed by both in full. A small sliver of Kashmir is also held by China.

Since they were partitioned in 1947, New Delhi and Islamabad have fought three wars – in 1948, 1965, and 1971 – two of them over Kashmir.

Also, in Siachen glacier in northern Kashmir, Indian and Pakistani troops have fought intermittently since 1984. A cease-fire took effect in 2003.

Some Kashmiri groups in Jammu and Kashmir have been fighting against Indian rule for independence, or for unification with neighboring Pakistan.

According to several human rights organizations, thousands have reportedly been killed in the conflict since 1989./aa