The Jews are the axis of normalization and the parties.
The Jews were the core of the coalition of factions and the battle to eradicate the prophetic project during the trench phase and the initial phase of Jewish corruption. They set traps, schemes, and conspiracies to eliminate the prophetic project. Their first project with the factions, Arabs, and Quraysh was the "normalization strategy," utilizing the people of Mecca, who were aware of Quraysh's animosity towards the Muslims. They recognized the existing ignorance within Quraysh and the envious and spiteful Arab nationalism that could be exploited, as well as waiting for any opportunity to eradicate the Muslims, in addition to their military capabilities and their extensive connections with the tribes around them.
A delegation of Jews led by Banu Qurayza headed to Mecca, which included Huyayy ibn Akhtab, Salama ibn Abi al-Haqiq, and Abu Ammar al-Waeli. This was a normalizing conference between the Arab and Jewish institutions, similar to the normalization conferences and summits in Manama, Aqabah, and Al-Naqab between the normalizing Arab regimes and the Zionist entity.
This delegation incited the Quraysh to attack the Muslims and fight the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and promised them that if they went out to fight, they would support and aid them. One of their cunning tactics was their understanding of the Qurayshi psychology, which craved praise and was fond of leadership and status that the prophetic mission had disrupted. They exaggerated their praise for the Quraysh and flattered them, testifying that they were in the right and on the path of guidance, despite their knowledge of the polytheism and misguidance of the Quraysh. Thus, Allah Almighty revealed the following about them: ( Have you ˹O Prophet˺ not seen those who were given a portion of the Scriptures yet believe in idols and false gods and reassure the disbelievers1 that they are better guided than the believers?) ( An-Nisa:51) That coincided with the desires of the people of Mecca, and they promised to return to fight the Prophet (peace be upon him) after the promise they made at Uhud.
From physical penetration to pathological penetration.
They failed to penetrate the physical clayey land, which is the city, the state, and its trench. Therefore, they sought to think about penetrating the psychological and spiritual land, which is the psyche of the Muslim and believer in the city, in order to weaken their moral spirit in the face of prophethood and the recommendations of the Mujahideen. The gateway for psychological penetration was the "Institution of Hypocrites," but with a process and strategy of full normalization with the Jewish institution; in direction and coordination, to penetrate the psyche and mind of the Islamic community and its army.
The parties have formed alliances, and the masses gathered, overwhelming for anyone to handle. They surrounded the city from every direction in order to confront the deluge of the Adnan (peace be upon him), which is the flood of the call that turned into a mission in a great state and city named Medina, the center of politics, justice, and the administration of the Islamic state. The Jewish institution, along with the institution of Arab Quraish tyranny and the hypocrites, have united in a tripartite alliance to invade the core of this international center and penetrate the hearts of the Islamic community and the hearts of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who revived in the nation a spirit, thought, and action to purify the land from all defilement and worship Allah in peace and security.
Normalization is a triangular, conspiratorial situation among the three spiteful parties (the deceitful Jews and the Arabs) regarding the project of purification and prophethood, which is tasked with instilling the spirit of the mosque through faith, awareness through thought and knowledge, and action through deeds and work. The responsibility for organizing and bringing together this corrupt triangular coalition lies with the "Institution of the Jews," and the rabbis, the Torah, historians, and experts of distortion, fortifications, and walls. Today, they will employ a dangerous apparatus with the desire to dismantle the city's community and the Islamic community into disarray and chaos, especially after the failure of the triangular normalization effort to overcome the fortified earthly trench that was created alongside prophethood and the idea of Salman the Persian, may God be pleased with him.
But how will the Jewish worker employ the psychology of the Arab hypocrite who normalizes relations to create a device that penetrates the ranks of Muslims and believers to spread fear, propaganda, and lies?
The hypocritical normalizers and the description of the disease.
The Jews were masters of knowledge, thought, and history, and even experts in the psychology of societies and humanity, especially the wicked aspects of it. The Jewish power understood that the hypocrites among them possessed a wicked, devilish trait that allowed them to join the project of uprooting the prophetic methodology, even serving as official agents to dismantle the Islamic community. This trait is referred to as "the trait of illness," and revelation comes to specify the type of trait that emerged particularly in the Battle of the Confederates, with the illness manifesting in various forms. ( The hypocrites and the sick at heart said, ‘God and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusions! ) (Al-Ahzab:12) Let us observe that the Jewish spirit found in the hypocrite a disease that must be escalated in its action and result on earth, and to transform the psychological illness into a project on the ground, spreading throughout the Islamic state, in order to disseminate the contagion of hypocrisy, frustrate the weak, and dismantle the ranks of the strong within the nation.
The disease is an internal malice against Islam and Islamic jihadist power; the disease is envy from within themselves and a hatred that has turned into hypocrisy and a sickness that required a Jewish spirit to embody the psyche of the sick hypocrites. Thus, the Jewish expert doctor met with the Arab hypocritical patient and formed an alliance with him, and this Jewish spirit penetrated the sick Arab psyche and transformed the hypocritical disease into a vengeful earthly action. The result was the existence of official employees in the battle for existence.
It is, then, the battle of souls, a battle between the Jewish spirit that inhabits sick bodies to imprint upon them, and the spirit of the mosque that enters the hearts of the believers, transforming them into men of blessing, light, and liberation.
Retaliatory normalization!
Some people believed that normalization was a process of official political or diplomatic normalization between an entity and an Arab state, in order for the occupation to gain recognition of its existence and achieve coexistence and peace as they call it. This concept of normalization was characteristic of the "Camp David" and "Oslo" phases when the Zionist entity merely needed Arab recognition after the wars of the Nakba and the wars in Sinai and the Golan. However, normalization after the so-called "Deal of the Century" is something else; the true initial goal of normalization has appeared, which is to fragment Arab and Islamic peoples, divide them, and weaken them in preparation for a sinister agenda in Palestine that the forces of Zionist extremism seek to achieve.
After "Sword of Al-Quds," the "Deal of the Century" failed, and the strength of the peoples refusing Zionism and normalization emerged. The "Al-Aqsa Flood" came and undermined the slogans of coexistence, peace, and normalization. Zionist extremism revealed its weight to narrow the battle to Gaza and the West Bank without relying on a normalization strategy, which involves support from Arabs and regimes to eliminate resistance and the Palestinian people.
At the same time, in the countries of the Arab and Islamic peoples, Zionism emerged that had normalized relations with rulers and regimes, transitioning from normalization through official economic, military, political, sports, or artistic agreements to vengeful normalization. By this, we mean direct revenge against the people, which we have observed in some Arab countries that have created platforms of frivolity and programs that dilute youth, despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Moreover, corruption has escalated through direct announcements, in front of the media and channels, about Zionist worship rituals, amidst Arab cities flooded with Quranic schools, universities, and mosques.
The translated text is: "But the question here is: What is the reason for this shift among the normalizing Zionists in some Arab countries?
The year 1483 marked a turning point in the political, economic, and social status of Jews and had a significant impact on the future of large parts of the world, particularly the Arab and Islamic world. This was because it was the year when the Christian West made a dramatic shift from persecuting, enslaving, and forcibly converting Jews to Christianity, to showing loyalty to them—so much so that it bordered on sanctifying them.
Conversely, it was also the year when the Muslims transitioned from fighting the Crusades—whose attacks on their lands and massacres against them never ceased—to combating Zionism, which adopted the same role but at a lesser cost to the West and with more deception and distortion of historical facts.
The West’s New Gloves
It can be said that the West put on new gloves when Martin Luther founded the Protestant movement, which means "the protesters," calling for reform of the Catholic Church. These reforms included revolutionary measures aimed at abolishing the church’s authority, even the church itself, and giving greater importance to the Old Testament (the Torah) in interpreting Christianity instead of the New Testament.
The new doctrine embraced the belief that the return of Christ was contingent upon the existence of a strong Jewish state in Palestine and the rebuilding of the Temple of David. This vision stemmed from an evangelical perspective that spoke of a great battle in which all who did not believe in the divinity of Christ—including the Jews themselves—would be annihilated. Only then would the thousand-year kingdom of happiness begin on earth with Christ's return.
The harsh control of the Western church over public life in Europe caused discontent among a sector of the population, prompting them to rally around Luther’s call, which found its outlet in newly discovered lands. The pioneers who reached these lands were characterized by a general rebellious nature, including against church authority.
Bloody Developments
These developments provided an opportunity for Freemasonry to exploit the cracks and infiltrate to achieve its own goals. Freemasonry, as we know, is a secular, opportunistic, and colonial movement that denies religion and humanity. Despite its disguise in a religious guise under the name "the new builders of the temple," its core aim is to destroy communal and moral values, ignite conflicts and wars, spread diseases, and ultimately reduce the global population to a "golden billion."
Accordingly, Zionism carefully aligned its plans to benefit from this situation. It managed to protect the Jews from Western tyranny and redirected the West’s strength and anger toward common enemies—the Muslims and Arabs—achieving what it could not on its own while maintaining the belief that Western prophecies would never come true. If they did, they would only result in the return of King David, not Christ.
An Alliance of Extremism
This blending was not truly between Judaism and Christianity as two religions (which Islam refers to as "People of the Book," distinguishing them from polytheists) but between two extremist movements—Zionism and Freemasonry—that found in each other a means to achieve their malevolent goals.
If the current war is against Islamic societies, it is because Islam’s doctrinal and jurisprudential foundation has enabled it to resist this torrent and delay its expansion, even while under complete Western colonization. Meanwhile, Western societies have been completely crushed, leading to the spread of atheism, perversion, extremism, nudity, and justifications for extermination or enslavement of opponents—despite all of this contradicting the essence of Christianity.
Traditional Christianity
Recent history shows that Western societies a century or two ago were more adherent to traditional Christianity, with values of modesty and religiosity prevalent—similar to what we see today in Christian gatherings within Muslim societies. However, because the destruction of communities is the first step toward Masonic empowerment, dismantling Western societies and pulling them away from their religious beliefs was the first step toward subjugation.
Therefore, Zionism, which is a devious and cunning ally of Freemasonry, is not only an absolute evil against Islam but also an equal threat to Christianity.
The brutal, supremacist, and genocidal nature of Zionism—exposed through its actions in Gaza and Lebanon—has destroyed the spiritual aura once associated with Judaism in the minds of many around the world, inflicting irreparable damage.
New Crusades
After the atrocities committed in Gaza and the evident Western complicity with Israel, the belief has grown that empowering today’s criminal Zionism in Muslim Palestine is a continuation of the Crusades.
It has become clear that the West’s goal in this endeavor is to keep the Arab world—the heart of the Islamic world—in a state of perpetual distraction with proxy wars, both military and intellectual. This strategy has succeeded to some extent, weakening the region’s strength and diminishing its global influence.
One of the biggest blows was the success of Zionism and Freemasonry in undermining the intellectual and behavioral fabric of Muslim individuals while Western colonial policies alienated Muslims within their own countries by installing puppet governments loyal to the West.
The West wants us to drink from the same poisonous cup it once voluntarily swallowed, yet it is surprised by our refusal to drink!
among the Jews themselves on In Yathrib, an atmosphere of competition and struggle for power prevailed one hand, and between Arabs and Jews on the other. The Jews were divided among themselves due to their tribal fragmentation, with each tribe settling in a strategic location that served its goals and represented a point of strength. The Banu Qurayza, in particular, settled in the southeastern areas of Yathrib and were distinguished by their military strength and weapons manufacturing. They built strong fortifications and castles there for war purposes.
The Banu al-Nadir settled in the western regions, which were characterized by fertile land, making them skilled in agriculture. The Banu Qaynuqa concentrated in the marketplace because they worked in jewelry making and general trade. This geographic distribution and tribal division influenced the balance of power and alliances with other tribes that settled in Yathrib later on.
The migration of the Aws and Khazraj to Yathrib.
The Aws and Khazraj migrated from Yemen to Yathrib after the event of the flood of the Aram. The Jews had already settled in Yathrib before them and had established their influence over all its areas, having the upper hand there. The Aws and Khazraj came under the Jews and lived in their protection, seeking refuge with them, and the Arabs accepted their poor economic situation next to the Jews. However, the Jews exaggerated in harming them and increased their insults, humiliating them in a way that Arab souls could not tolerate. Thus, the Arabs thought about getting rid of them or at least subjugating them to their authority.
The Jews divided among themselves due to their tribal dispersal, so each tribe settled in a strategic location that serves its goals.
Their thinking led them to seek help from their cousins, the Ghassanids, as they were the closest to them and more deserving than others to support them. They sent a delegation to Abu Jubayla al-Ghassani to complain about the Jews, describing the mistreatment and persecution they faced. Abu Jubayla was outraged and swore to humiliate the Jews and hand over control to the Arabs.
Abu Jubayla prepared a great army and approached as if he intended to go to Yemen. He camped near Yathrib and sent for the Aws and Khazraj tribes. When they arrived, he welcomed them and provided for them. Then he sent a messenger to the Jews, proclaiming that whoever wanted the favor of the king should come to him. This was a clever trick to prevent the Jews from fortifying themselves in their strongholds, making them vulnerable. The Jewish leaders came out to him, and he ordered food for them. Once they were gathered, he killed them, leaving no one alive. At that point, the Aws and Khazraj gained strength and took control of the governance of Yathrib and its affairs. They shared the date palms and homes with the Jews and became the dominant power there after having tasted the bitterness of humiliation at the hands of the Jews.
The Jews lived alongside the Arabs as allies, though not as equals. Each group of Jews sought refuge with a branch of the Aws and Khazraj tribes who they were proud to be associated with, for the Qurayza and the Nadir allied with the Aws, while the Banu Qaynuqa allied with the Khazraj. Thus, when a calamity befell one of them, he would turn to his Arab allies rather than his fellow Jews, saying: "We are indeed your neighbors and your supporters.
The role of the Arabs in Yathrib transformed from that of migrating tribes from the southern Arabian Peninsula into those holding influence, leadership, and authority over the Jews and others. The two tribes coexisted in Yathrib for a time without any significant conflicts until deep disagreements and long-lasting struggles arose, as each sought to assert dominance in managing affairs in Yathrib. This escalated to fierce wars; this conflict lasted for nearly 120 years, starting on the day of "Samir" and ending with the battle of "Bu'ath," which occurred five years before the Prophethood.
... and they lived among the Arabs as allies, not as full members. So, each group sought refuge in a clan from the Aws and Khazraj, feeling pride in them.
The Jews played a significant role in the continuation and escalation of the war among the Arab tribes throughout this period. They believed that the coalition of the Arabs and their unity represented a loss of the Jewish future and the end of their presence in Yathrib. Therefore, it was imperative for the Jews to keep the conflict between the Aws and Khazraj tribes alive.
The policy of 'divides and conquer' among the Jews.
The Jews resorted to ensuring the continuation of the conflict between the Arabs in Yathrib by using the policy of "Divide and Rule"; which aims to weaken the strength of the opponent by dividing it into conflicting factions among themselves, thus preventing them from uniting against any common enemy. They then incited sectarian strife, fueled racism, spread a spirit of vengeance among them, and ignited internal and external wars that would ultimately exhaust the powers of all parties involved.
Dr. Mohamed Al-Wakeel says: The Jews were capable of forming a third force in Yathrib, which they could use to pressure both warring parties until they submitted to a peace agreement and were satisfied with ending the war. However, this would not achieve what they wanted. Ending the war would strengthen the Arabs, which the Jews did not like, especially since they were benefiting from this war. They were skilled in weapon manufacturing and usury lending, and the ongoing war represented a significant economic benefit for them. Therefore, they stood by as spectators, not proposing peace nor intervening to end the war.
The Jews and the Politics of Segregation Throughout History
This is the policy of the Jews in every era they lived in and in the countries, they settled in. In the Roman Empire, the Jews supported certain local factions and parties that were in conflict with each other to ensure their safe coexistence among them. In Europe during the Middle Ages, the Jews presented themselves as economic and trade intermediaries between the nobility and the poorer classes, which contributed to class tensions, social divisions, and increased public anger, in a way that served their interests and ensured their secure existence.
To ensure the continuation of the conflict between the Arabs in Yathrib, the Jews resorted to using the policy of "Divide and Conquer.
The enemies of Islam knew that they would not be able to control our lands and plunder our riches and resources unless we were divided and fragmented. From here, the cunning trio—France, Britain, and Italy, with Russian blessing—gathered and plotted to divide and tear apart our nation, what came to be known as the "Sykes-Picot Agreement." Thus, the nation became like the scum of human refuse, living on the banks of the human life river as fragmented, warring states, bordered by artificial geographical lines and repulsive nationalistic sentiments. National and patriotic flags fluttered in the sky above it, ruled by the secular laws of the West, and caught in political whirlwinds, unable to break free from their rotations, nor even able to choose for themselves the very place in which they spin!
They were able to achieve their aim and diminish the prestige of the best nation brought forth to people, to the point that the weak dared to aspire to it before the strong, and the distant before the nearby. It became at the tail end of the human convoy, begging at the tables of human thought from those scorched by the fatal heat of noon, who were exhausted by the long walk-in confusion and darkness. The fragmented nation now sways in its journey, and it does not know the path that it should follow, after having been, not long ago, the skillful and astute guide in the tangled paths and in the treacherous desert that only seasoned guides could navigate.
The nation of Islam was a leader and pioneer, with its banner waving across the lands of the Earth from one end to the other, during the time it was united and cohesive, fulfilling the commands of its Lord. (And fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart;)(Al-Anfal 46)
But she was formidable, and everyone respected her greatly.
Far from the painful personal feelings experienced by Muslims in Medina from the Jews, after Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, made a treaty with them; they attempted – on one occasion – to assault the honor of a Muslim woman in their markets (2 AH), on another occasion they conspired to kill the Messenger himself (4 AH), and yet a third time they committed a major act of betrayal against the Muslims during the dire circumstances of the Battle of the Trench (the Banu Qurayza in the year 5 AH).
Beyond all these betrayals and the constant "cold conspiratorial war" aligned with the polytheists of the Arabian Peninsula, and contrary to the constitution...
Far from all this, the Muslims opened a new chapter of peace with the Jews, so that the future would not continue to pay the price for the mistakes of the past.
The Islamic nation had miraculously survived extermination at the time of the siege of the polytheists in Medina during the Battle of the Trench in the fifth year of the Hijra, and the Banu Qurayza (the Jews) almost destroyed the city after their betrayal of the constitution, which mandated them – as citizens – to protect the city alongside the Muslims.
If Muhammad had released them, they would have increased opposition among the Jews in Khaybar and organized another attack against the city as there was no guarantee that luck would favor the Muslims again. Moreover, the violent battle for survival would have continued indefinitely, leading to ongoing suffering and death. The sentences of death for the major treason of the Banu Qurayza Jews left the required impact on the souls of Islam's enemies, and it does not seem that anyone was shocked by the massacre; (because it was justice by all laws), in addition to the fact that the Qurayzites themselves seemed to have anticipated its inevitability; they knew the meaning of the crime they had committed.
Nevertheless, it is important – as Armstrong Katherine states – to record here that this tragic beginning did not permanently affect the Muslims' position towards the Jews. Once the Muslims established their own global empire and developed an advanced system in their Sharia, they founded a system of tolerance that prevailed in the civilized parts of the Arab East for a long time; where religious groups coexisted side by side. Antisemitism is a Western Christian sin, not an Islamic sin, and this must be present in our minds so that we do not succumb to generalizations.
During the time of the Islamic Empire, Jews – like Christians – enjoyed complete religious freedom and lived in peace in the region until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1947. Jews under Islam never suffered what they endured under Christianity!
As for the European anti-Semitic myths, they arrived in the Arab East at the end of the last century through Christian missionary missions, and the masses usually met them with disdain.
It is worth mentioning that the Muslims' tolerance toward the severe abuses they suffered from the Jews throughout history, and their overlooking of the Jewish betrayal of the constitution established by the Messenger of Islam, which granted them full citizenship rights in Medina (their homeland), is noteworthy. Despite this, they betrayed the constitution and the homeland during a dire crisis, in which Muslims could have faced annihilation were it not for God's protection.
This tolerance from Muslims regarding the many pages of Jewish betrayal against them confirms that Muslims view war as an extraordinary and repugnant matter, and that they should not initiate hostilities; for a just war is one waged only in self-defense. Nonetheless, whenever they enter into war, they must fight with an absolute moral commitment to bring the fighting to an end as quickly as possible, as Katherine Armstrong states. If the enemy proposes a truce or shows willingness for peace, the Quran commands Muslims that the terms of peace should not be immoral or shameful. However, the Quran also emphasizes that ending military conflict is sacred, that confronting the enemy should be done resolutely, and that any hesitation should be avoided, as this would mean the continuation of conflict indefinitely.
The goal of any war in Islam is to restore peace and reconciliation as quickly as possible. This is what Katherine Armstrong concluded and affirmed... an impartial researcher... and we believe that this is what Muslims did with the Jews; they quickly engaged with them and employed them in high positions, even opening the palaces of caliphs to them and relying on them in all fields (translation, medicine, economy, and others).
The official website of Dr. Abdul Halim Owais
The Real Anti-Semites
It is ironic that Muslims are being called “anti-Semitics” while Europe has a long and documented history of severe anti-Semitism. Historically, Christians in Europe committed numerous massacres against Jews. According to Christian belief, Jews were responsible for killing Christ, leading to Jews having significantly fewer rights than Christians during the Middle Ages. They were forbidden from owning lands, forced to live in designated areas, and restricted from many professions, leaving money lending as one of the few permitted jobs due to its prohibition in Christian teachings. This led to Jews eventually opening banks and accumulating wealth.
During the 11th century Crusades, as crusaders marched towards Jerusalem to seize it from Muslims, Christians began slaughtering Jews in Europe as retribution for Christ's death, eradicating entire Jewish communities. In 1215, the Church decreed that Jews must wear distinguishing badges, live in specific areas, and take on particular professions, normalizing their suffering. King Edward I of England expelled Jews, banning them for nearly 400 years. Shakespeare's writings reflect this anti-Semitism, with disdain for Jews who weren't even present in England at the time, as seen in the character Shylock from “The Merchant of Venice.” Hence, the Jewish population in England remains relatively small today.
In Andalusia, after Ferdinand II and Isabella I invaded Granada from Muslims, they issued Alhambra Decree in 1492 forcing Jews to convert to Christianity or face expulsion. No to mention the Holocaust under Hitler (1933-1945) which was another horrific chapter, stemming from the ingrained racism in Europe, contrary to their claims.
Islamic Respect and Protection
Contrarily, Muslims have historically played a crucial role in respecting and protecting Jews since the dawn of Islam. Starting with the Medina Constitution, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated, “The Jews of Banu 'Awf are one community with the believers; the Jews have their religion, and the Muslims have theirs.” (1)
The Prophet ﷺ was just in his judgments, even if it favored Jews over Muslims. When Al-Ash'ath bin Qais had a dispute with a Jew over land in Yemen, and Al-Ash'ath had no proof, the Prophet ﷺ ruled in favor of the Jew. (2) Additionally, Jews were allowed to adjudicate among themselves by their laws unless they chose to bring their case to the Prophet ﷺ, as Allah says, “So if they come to you, [O Muhammad], judge between them or turn away from them. And if you turn away from them - never will they harm you at all. And if you judge, judge between them with justice.” (Al-Ma’idah: 42)
The Prophet ﷺ treated Jews with kindness, as he did with everyone, in obedience to Allah’s command “Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 8)
The Prophet ﷺ visited their sick, as he did with the Jewish boy who used to serve him. (3) He also accepted their gifts, such as the poisoned sheep given to him by a Jewish woman, and he ate from it. He forgave the woman and didn’t seek to avenge himself. (4) However, he later executed her in retribution for the death of his companion, Bishr ibn al-Bara', who died from eating the poisoned sheep.
This kindness continued under Muslim rulers. When Muslims conquered Persia, large Jewish communities in Baghdad and Isfahan were granted protection under Umar ibn al-Khattab. Upon conquering Jerusalem, where Jews were previously forbidden, Umar allowed them to live and worship freely, establishing their first synagogue there.
During the Abbasid era, Jews were appointed as translators in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad due to their linguistic expertise, regardless of their religion. Similarly, the Umayyads and Fatimids in Spain employed Jews and Christians in the House of Wisdom, providing them with full financial rights. The Jewish Rabbi Samuel ibn Naghrillah became the vizier of Granada, even leading Muslim armies against Crusader forces in Cordoba.
Other prominent Jews like Hasdai ibn Shaprut held significant positions in the Umayyad court in the 10th century in Cordoba, managing foreign affairs and enhancing Talmudic studies in Spain, transforming it into a center for Hebrew Studies. Judah Halevi, a renowned Arab Jewish poet, physician, and thinker, received his education in Islamic Spain, where he studied Hebrew, Jewish religious texts, philosophy, Arabic language, literature, and medicine. His work reflected a strong influence from Arabic poetry.
Most notably is Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides, one of the greatest Jewish minds, grew up and thrived in Cordoba under Muslim rule, developing a deep love and appreciation for Islam. Some even claim that he converted to Islam for several years, although he was never compelled to do so due to the religious freedom that existed in Al-Andalus at the time. The influence of Islamic principles was evident in his renewal of Jewish theology. He was profoundly influenced by Muslim philosophers such as Al-Farabi, Al-Kindi, and Ibn Rushd. He became the first to author a comprehensive book on Jewish theology and became one of the best physicians of his era due to his detailed studies of Ibn Sina. This earned him the trust of Saladin, who appointed him as his personal physician.
These are just a few examples of flourishing Jews under Muslim rule, due to the safety and good treatment they received. Muslims not only coexisted peacefully with Jews but also defended them from the persecutions they faced in Europe. When Ferdinand II and Isabella I issued the 1492 decree to expel the Jews from Andalusia, Sultan Bayezid II welcomed hundreds of thousands of Jews expelled from Andalusia under his rule. He did not stop there but also decided to punish any official preventing Jews from settling in Andalusia.
Even during Hitler's reign and the oppressive practices of the Nazi concentration camps, Sultan Muhammad V of Morocco, despite being under French colonialism, refused to hand over Moroccan Jews to the Nazis. Similarly, Muslims in Bosnia, Tunisia, the Ottoman Empire, and France protected Jews. Imam Abdelkader Mesli of the Grand Mosque of Paris instructed Muslims to bring Jews to the mosque to protect them from the Nazis. He forged Islamic identity documents for the Jews, saving thousands of Jewish lives until he was arrested by the Nazi Gestapo and deported to concentration camps, where he was subjected to severe torture.
Given this profound legacy of Muslims, how unfair is to brand Islam and Muslims as terrorists and anti-Semites!!